Integration of demographic annual variability in a clonal desert cactus MC Mandujano, C Montaña, M Franco, J Golubov, A Flores-Martínez Ecology 82 (2), 344-359, 2001 | 185 | 2001 |
The relative contributions of sexual reproduction and clonal propagation in Opuntia rastrera from two habitats in the Chihuahuan Desert M Del Carmen Mandujano, C Montanā, I Méndez, J Golubov Journal of Ecology 86 (6), 911-921, 1998 | 177 | 1998 |
Reproductive ecology and inbreeding depression in Opuntia rastrera (Cactaceae) in the Chihuahuan Desert: Why are sexually derived recruitments so rare? MC Mandujano, C Montaña, LE Eguiarte American Journal of Botany 83 (1), 63-70, 1996 | 159 | 1996 |
Reproductive biology of Cactaceae MC Mandujano, I Carrillo-Angeles, C Martínez-Peralta, J Golubov Desert plants: Biology and biotechnology, 197-230, 2010 | 140 | 2010 |
Are populations of the candy barrel cactus (Echinocactus platyacanthus) in the desert of Tehuacán, Mexico at risk? Population projection matrix and life table response analysis C Jimenez-Sierra, MC Mandujano, LE Eguiarte Biological Conservation 135 (2), 278-292, 2007 | 104 | 2007 |
Montan a, C., 1997. Dormancy and endozoochorous dispersal of Opuntia rastrera seeds in the southern Chihuahuan Desert MC Mandujano, J Golubov Journal of Arid Environments 36, 259-266, 0 | 93* | |
Comparative demographic analysis of three Neobuxbaumia species (Cactaceae) with differing degree of rarity L Esparza-Olguin, T Valverde, MC Mandujano Population ecology 47 (3), 229-245, 2005 | 82 | 2005 |
Seed size and photoblastism in species belonging to tribe Cacteae (Cactaceae) M Rojas-Aréchiga, MC Mandujano, JK Golubov Journal of Plant Research 126, 373-386, 2013 | 69 | 2013 |
Breaking seed dormancy in Opuntia rastrera from the Chihuahuan desert MC Mandujano, C Montaña, M Rojas-Aréchiga Journal of arid environments 62 (1), 15-21, 2005 | 69 | 2005 |
The Paradox of Mesquites (Prosopis SPP): Invading Especies or Biodiversity Enhancers? J Golubov, MC Mandujano, LE Eguiarte Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México, 23-30, 2001 | 69 | 2001 |
Effect of reproductive modes and environmental heterogeneity in the population dynamics of a geographically widespread clonal desert cactus MC Mandujano, J Golubov, LF Huenneke Population Ecology 49 (2), 141-153, 2007 | 66 | 2007 |
Historia de las epidemias en el México antiguo. Algunos aspectos biológicos y sociales A Mandujano, L Camarillo, M Mandujano Casa del Tiempo 5, 9-21, 2003 | 63 | 2003 |
Spatial distribution of three globose cacti in relation to different nurse-plant canopies and bare areas MC Mandujano, A Flores-Martínez, J Golubov, E Ezcurra The Southwestern Naturalist, 162-168, 2002 | 61 | 2002 |
How important is clonal recruitment for population maintenance in rare plant species?: The case of the narrow endemic cactus, Stenocereus eruca, in Baja California, México R Clark-Tapia, MC Mandujano, T Valverde, A Mendoza, F Molina-Freaner Biological conservation 124 (1), 123-132, 2005 | 59 | 2005 |
Las especies mexicanas de cactáceas en riesgo de extinción. I S Arias, U Guzmán, MC Mandujano, M Soto, J Golubov Una comparación entre los listados NOM-059-ECOL-2001 (México), La lista Roja …, 2005 | 57 | 2005 |
St Montana, C. 1999 Why be a honeyless honey mesquite? Reproduction and mating system of nectarful and nectarless individuals J Golubov, LE Eguiarte, MC Mandujano, J Lopez-Portillo Am. J. Bot 86, 955-963, 0 | 56* | |
Efecto del ácido giberélico en la germinación de tres especies del género Opuntia (Cactaceae) del Desierto Chihuahuense MC Mandujano, J Golubov, M Rojas-Aréchiga Cactáceas y Suculentas Mexicanas 52, 46-52, 2007 | 53 | 2007 |
Niche breadth and the implications of climate change in the conservation of the genus Astrophytum (Cactaceae) IG Carrillo-Angeles, H Suzán-Azpiri, MC Mandujano, J Golubov, ... Journal of Arid Environments 124, 310-317, 2016 | 52 | 2016 |
Serotiny and seed germination in three threatened species of Mammillaria (Cactaceae) C Rodríguez-Ortega, M Franco, MC Mandujano Basic and Applied Ecology 7 (6), 533-544, 2006 | 52 | 2006 |
Demography of the invasive woody perennial Prosopis glandulosa (honey mesquite) J Golubov, MDC Mandujano, M Franco, C Montaña, LE Eguiarte, ... Journal of Ecology 87 (6), 955-962, 1999 | 52 | 1999 |