David Sample
David Sample
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Review and research needs of bioretention used for the treatment of urban stormwater
J Liu, DJ Sample, C Bell, Y Guan
Water 6 (4), 1069-1099, 2014
Optimizing rainwater harvesting systems for the dual purposes of water supply and runoff capture
DJ Sample, J Liu
Journal of cleaner production 75, 174-194, 2014
Reducing combined sewer overflows by using outlet controls for Green Stormwater Infrastructure: Case study in Richmond, Virginia
WC Lucas, DJ Sample
Journal of Hydrology 520, 473-488, 2015
Assessment of the nutrient removal effectiveness of floating treatment wetlands applied to urban retention ponds
CY Wang, DJ Sample
Journal of Environmental Management 137, 23-35, 2014
Evaluation of commercial floating treatment wetland technologies for nutrient remediation of stormwater
J Lynch, LJ Fox, JS Owen Jr, DJ Sample
Ecological Engineering 75, 61-69, 2015
Floating treatment wetland nutrient removal through vegetation harvest and observations from a field study
CY Wang, DJ Sample, SD Day, TJ Grizzard
Ecological Engineering 78, 15-26, 2015
Costs of best management practices and associated land for urban stormwater control
DJ Sample, JP Heaney, LT Wright, CY Fan, FH Lai, R Field
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 129 (1), 59-68, 2003
An evaluation of HSPF and SWMM for simulating streamflow regimes in an urban watershed
MN Yazdi, M Ketabchy, DJ Sample, D Scott, H Liao
Environmental Modelling & Software 118, 211-225, 2019
Geographic information systems, decision support systems, and urban storm-water management
DJ Sample, JP Heaney, LT Wright, R Koustas
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 127 (3), 155-161, 2001
Vegetation effects on floating treatment wetland nutrient removal and harvesting strategies in urban stormwater ponds
CY Wang, DJ Sample, C Bell
Science of the Total Environment 499, 384-393, 2014
Assessing the effects of climate change on water quantity and quality in an urban watershed using a calibrated stormwater model
N Alamdari, DJ Sample, P Steinberg, AC Ross, ZM Easton
Water 9 (7), 464, 2017
Floating treatment wetland aided nutrient removal from agricultural runoff using two wetland species
JT Spangler, DJ Sample, LJ Fox, JS Owen Jr, SA White
Ecological Engineering 127, 468-479, 2019
Assessing climate change impacts on the reliability of rainwater harvesting systems
N Alamdari, DJ Sample, J Liu, A Ross
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 132, 178-189, 2018
Evaluating the joint effects of climate and land use change on runoff and pollutant loading in a rapidly developing watershed
N Alamdari, P Claggett, DJ Sample, ZM Easton, MN Yazdi
Journal of Cleaner Production 330, 129953, 2022
The effects of land use characteristics on urban stormwater quality and watershed pollutant loads
MN Yazdi, DJ Sample, D Scott, X Wang, M Ketabchy
Science of The Total Environment 773, 145358, 2021
Assessing floating treatment wetlands nutrient removal performance through a first order kinetics model and statistical inference
CY Wang, DJ Sample
Ecological Engineering 61, 292-302, 2013
Assessing performance of manufactured treatment devices for the removal of phosphorus from urban stormwater
DJ Sample, TJ Grizzard, J Sansalone, AP Davis, RM Roseen, J Walker
Journal of environmental management 113, 279-291, 2012
A multiobjective simulation-optimization tool for assisting in urban watershed restoration planning
N Alamdari, DJ Sample
Journal of Cleaner Production 213, 251-261, 2019
Assessing nitrogen and phosphorus removal potential of five plant species in floating treatment wetlands receiving simulated nursery runoff
JT Spangler, DJ Sample, LJ Fox, JP Albano, SA White
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 5751-5768, 2019
Assessment of selected bioretention blends for nutrient retention using mesocosm experiments
J Liu, DJ Sample, JS Owen, J Li, G Evanylo
Journal of environmental quality 43 (5), 1754-1763, 2014
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