Hannu Hyyppä
Hannu Hyyppä
Head of the Research Institute of Measuring and Modeling for the Built Env.
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Review of methods of small‐footprint airborne laser scanning for extracting forest inventory data in boreal forests
J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä, D Leckie, F Gougeon, X Yu, M Maltamo
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (5), 1339-1366, 2008
Laser scanning of forest resources: the Nordic experience
E Næsset, T Gobakken, J Holmgren, H Hyyppä, J Hyyppä, M Maltamo, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19 (6), 482-499, 2004
Accuracy comparison of various remote sensing data sources in the retrieval of forest stand attributes
J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä, M Inkinen, M Engdahl, S Linko, YH Zhu
Forest Ecology and Management 128 (1-2), 109-120, 2000
An international comparison of individual tree detection and extraction using airborne laser scanning
H Kaartinen, J Hyyppä, X Yu, M Vastaranta, H Hyyppä, A Kukko, ...
Remote Sensing 4 (4), 950-974, 2012
Individual tree biomass estimation using terrestrial laser scanning
V Kankare, M Holopainen, M Vastaranta, E Puttonen, X Yu, J Hyyppä, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 75, 64-75, 2013
Seamless mapping of river channels at high resolution using mobile LiDAR and UAV-photography
C Flener, M Vaaja, A Jaakkola, A Krooks, H Kaartinen, A Kukko, E Kasvi, ...
Remote sensing 5 (12), 6382-6407, 2013
Retrieval algorithms for road surface modelling using laser-based mobile mapping
A Jaakkola, J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä, A Kukko
Sensors 8 (9), 5238-5249, 2008
Algorithms and methods of airborne laser scanning for forest measurements
J Hyyppa
Proceedings of the ISPRS working group VIII/2" Laser-scanners for forest and …, 2004
Airborne laser scanning and digital stereo imagery measures of forest structure: Comparative results and implications to forest mapping and inventory update
M Vastaranta, MA Wulder, JC White, A Pekkarinen, S Tuominen, ...
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (5), 382-395, 2013
Advances in forest inventory using airborne laser scanning
J Hyyppä, X Yu, H Hyyppä, M Vastaranta, M Holopainen, A Kukko, ...
Remote sensing 4 (5), 1190-1207, 2012
Tree mapping using airborne, terrestrial and mobile laser scanning–A case study in a heterogeneous urban forest
M Holopainen, V Kankare, M Vastaranta, X Liang, Y Lin, M Vaaja, X Yu, ...
Urban forestry & urban greening 12 (4), 546-553, 2013
Comparison of laser and stereo optical, SAR and InSAR point clouds from air-and space-borne sources in the retrieval of forest inventory attributes
X Yu, J Hyyppä, M Karjalainen, K Nurminen, K Karila, M Vastaranta, ...
Remote Sensing 7 (12), 15933-15954, 2015
Laser scanning applications in fluvial studies
J Hohenthal, P Alho, J Hyyppä, H Hyyppä
Progress in Physical Geography 35 (6), 782-809, 2011
Application of boat‐based laser scanning for river survey
P Alho, A Kukko, H Hyyppä, H Kaartinen, J Hyyppä, A Jaakkola
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2009
Radiometric calibration of LIDAR intensity with commercially available reference targets
S Kaasalainen, H Hyyppa, A Kukko, P Litkey, E Ahokas, J Hyyppa, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47 (2), 588-598, 2008
Accuracy of kinematic positioning using global satellite navigation systems under forest canopies
H Kaartinen, J Hyyppä, M Vastaranta, A Kukko, A Jaakkola, X Yu, ...
Forests 6 (9), 3218-3236, 2015
Retrieval of forest aboveground biomass and stem volume with airborne scanning LiDAR
V Kankare, M Vastaranta, M Holopainen, M Räty, X Yu, J Hyyppä, ...
Remote Sensing 5 (5), 2257-2274, 2013
Factors affecting the quality of DTM generation in forested areas
H Hyyppä, X Yu, J Hyyppä, H Kaartinen, S Kaasalainen, E Honkavaara, ...
International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2005
Object Classification and Recognition From Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds in a Road Environment
M Lehtomaki, A Jaakkola, J Hyyppa, J Lampinen, H Kaartinen, A Kukko, ...
Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on, 1 - 14, 2015
Benchmarking the performance of mobile laser scanning systems using a permanent test field
H Kaartinen, J Hyyppä, A Kukko, A Jaakkola, H Hyyppä
Sensors 12 (9), 12814-12835, 2012
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