Konstantin Gavazov
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Responses of soil properties and crop yields to different inorganic and organic amendments in a Swiss conventional farming system
G Blanchet, K Gavazov, L Bragazza, S Sinaj
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 230, 116-126, 2016
Above-and belowground linkages shape responses of mountain vegetation to climate change
F Hagedorn, K Gavazov, JM Alexander
Science 365 (6458), 1119-1123, 2019
Dynamics of alpine plant litter decomposition in a changing climate
KS Gavazov
Plant and soil 337, 19-32, 2010
Carbon loss from northern circumpolar permafrost soils amplified by rhizosphere priming
F Keuper, B Wild, M Kummu, C Beer, G Blume-Werry, S Fontaine, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (8), 560-565, 2020
Reduced early growing season freezing resistance in alpine treeline plants under elevated atmospheric CO2
M Martin, K Gavazov, C Koerner, S Haettenschwiler, C Rixen
Global Change Biology 16 (3), 1057-1070, 2010
Long-term in situ permafrost thaw effects on bacterial communities and potential aerobic respiration
S Monteux, JT Weedon, G Blume-Werry, K Gavazov, VEJ Jassey, ...
The ISME Journal 12 (9), 2129-2141, 2018
Isotopic analysis of cyanobacterial nitrogen fixation associated with subarctic lichen and bryophyte species
KS Gavazov, NA Soudzilovskaia, RSP van Logtestijn, M Braster, ...
Plant and Soil 333, 507-517, 2010
Seasonal influence of climate manipulation on microbial community structure and function in mountain soils
J Puissant, L Cécillon, RTE Mills, BJM Robroek, K Gavazov, S De Danieli, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 80, 296-305, 2015
Winter ecology of a subalpine grassland: effects of snow removal on soil respiration, microbial structure and function
K Gavazov, J Ingrisch, R Hasibeder, RTE Mills, A Buttler, G Gleixner, ...
Science of the Total Environment 590, 316-324, 2017
Carbon and nitrogen cycling in Yedoma permafrost controlled by microbial functional limitations
S Monteux, F Keuper, S Fontaine, K Gavazov, S Hallin, J Juhanson, ...
Nature Geoscience 13 (12), 794-798, 2020
Vascular plant‐mediated controls on atmospheric carbon assimilation and peat carbon decomposition under climate change
K Gavazov, R Albrecht, A Buttler, E Dorrepaal, MH Garnett, S Gogo, ...
Global change biology 24 (9), 3911-3921, 2018
Dynamics of forage production in pasture-woodlands of the Swiss Jura Mountains under projected climate change scenarios
KS Gavazov, A Peringer, A Buttler, F Gillet, T Spiegelberger
Ecology and Society 18 (1), 2013
Climate change effects on the stability and chemistry of soil organic carbon pools in a subalpine grassland
J Puissant, RTE Mills, BJM Robroek, K Gavazov, Y Perrette, S De Danieli, ...
Biogeochemistry 132, 123-139, 2017
Diminished soil functions occur under simulated climate change in a sup-alpine pasture, but heterotrophic temperature sensitivity indicates microbial resilience
RTE Mills, KS Gavazov, T Spiegelberger, D Johnson, A Buttler
Science of the Total Environment 473, 465-472, 2014
Drought-induced decline of productivity in the dominant grassland species Lolium perenne L. depends on soil type and prevailing climatic conditions
A Buttler, P Mariotte, M Meisser, T Guillaume, C Signarbieux, A Vitra, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 132, 47-57, 2019
Biotic and Abiotic Constraints on the Decomposition of Fagus sylvatica Leaf Litter Along an Altitudinal Gradient in Contrasting Land-Use Types
K Gavazov, R Mills, T Spiegelberger, J Lenglet, A Buttler
Ecosystems 17, 1326-1337, 2014
Environmental drivers of carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures in peatland vascular plants along an altitude gradient
K Gavazov, F Hagedorn, A Buttler, R Siegwolf, L Bragazza
Oecologia 180, 257-264, 2016
Transplantation of subalpine wood-pasture turfs along a natural climatic gradient reveals lower resistance of unwooded pastures to climate change compared to wooded ones
K Gavazov, T Spiegelberger, A Buttler
Oecologia 174, 1425-1435, 2014
Environmental drivers of increased ecosystem respiration in a warming tundra
SL Maes, J Dietrich, G Midolo, S Schwieger, M Kummu, V Vandvik, ...
Nature 629 (8010), 105-113, 2024
Plant-microbial linkages underpin carbon sequestration in contrasting mountain tundra vegetation types
K Gavazov, A Canarini, VEJ Jassey, R Mills, A Richter, MK Sundqvist, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 165, 108530, 2022
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