Pedro Alcântara de Melo Madeira Antunes
Pedro Alcântara de Melo Madeira Antunes
Professor and Research Chair, Department of Biology, Algoma University, Canada
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Material derived from hydrothermal carbonization: Effects on plant growth and arbuscular mycorrhiza
MC Rillig, M Wagner, M Salem, PM Antunes, C George, HG Ramke, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 45 (3), 238-242, 2010
Plant pathogen protection by arbuscular mycorrhizas: A role for fungal diversity?
J Wehner, PM Antunes, JR Powell, J Mazukatow, MC Rillig
Pedobiologia 53 (3), 197-201, 2010
Fungal inoculants in the field: Is the reward greater than the risk?
MM Hart, PM Antunes, VB Chaudhary, LK Abbott
Functional Ecology 32 (1), 126-135, 2018
Non-natives: 141 scientists object
D Simberloff, et al.
Nature 475 (7354), 36-36, 2011
Mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increases soil water repellency and is sufficient to maintain water-stable soil aggregates
MC Rillig, NF Mardatin, EF Leifheit, PM Antunes
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42 (7), 1189-1191, 2010
Accounting for soil biotic effects on soil health and crop productivity in the design of crop rotations
T Dias, A Dukes, PM Antunes
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95 (3), 447-454, 2015
Home-field advantage? Evidence of local adaptation among plants, soil, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi through meta-analysis
JD Rúa, M.A., Antoninka, A., Antunes, P.M., Chaudhary, V.B., Gehring, C ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2016
High functional diversity within species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is associated with differences in phosphate and nitrogen uptake and fungal phosphate metabolism
JA Mensah, AM Koch, PM Antunes, ET Kiers, M Hart, H Bücking
Mycorrhiza 25, 533-546, 2015
Evolutionary asymmetry in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis: conservatism in fungal morphology does not predict host plant growth
AM Koch, PM Antunes, H Maherali, MM Hart, JN Klironomos
New Phytologist 214 (3), 1330-1337, 2017
More bang for the buck? Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities be characterized adequately alongside other fungi using general fungal primers?
Y Lekberg, M Vasar, LS Bullington, SK Sepp, PM Antunes, R Bunn, ...
New Phytologist 220 (4), 971-976, 2018
Evidence for functional divergence in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from contrasting climatic origins
PM Antunes, AM Koch, JB Morton, MC Rillig, JN Klironomos
New Phytologist, 2011
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi pre-inoculant identity determines community composition in roots
DL Mummey, PM Antunes, MC Rillig
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (6), 1173-1179, 2009
Even after death the endophytic fungus of Schedonorus phoenix reduces the arbuscular mycorrhizas of other plants
PM Antunes, J Miller, LM Carvalho, JN Klironomos, JA Newman
Functional Ecology 22 (5), 912-918, 2008
Differences in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with sugar maple seedlings in and outside of invaded garlic mustard forest patches
EK Barto, PM Antunes, K Stinson, AM Koch, JN Klironomos, D Cipollini
Biological Invasions 13, 2755-2762, 2011
The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal and garlic mustard introductions on native AM fungal diversity
AM Koch, PM Antunes, E Kathryn Barto, D Cipollini, DL Mummey, ...
Biological Invasions, 1-13, 2011
Influence of commercial inoculation with Glomus intraradices on the structure and functioning of an AM fungal community from an agricultural site
PM Antunes, AM Koch, KE Dunfield, MM Hart, A Downing, MC Rillig, ...
Plant and soil 317 (1), 257-266, 2009
Plant communities mediate the interactive effects of invasion and drought on soil microbial communities
C Fahey, A Koyama, PM Antunes, K Dunfield, SL Flory
The ISME Journal, 2020
Long‐term effects of soil nutrient deficiency on arbuscular mycorrhizal communities
PM Antunes, A Lehmann, MM Hart, M Baumecker, MC Rillig
Functional Ecology 26 (2), 532-540, 2012
Accumulation of specific flavonoids in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) as a function of the early tripartite symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Bradyrhizobium …
PM Antunes, A De Varennes, I Rajcan, MJ Goss
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (6), 1234-1242, 2006
Priorities for research in soil ecology
N Eisenhauer, PM Antunes, AE Bennett, K Birkhofer, A Bissett, ...
Pedobiologia 63, 1-7, 2017
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