John Galbraith
John Galbraith
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Effects of biochar on soil fertility and crop productivity in arid regions: a review
AA Diatta, JH Fike, ML Battaglia, JM Galbraith, MB Baig
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13, 1-17, 2020
Remote sensing of crop residue and tillage practices: Present capabilities and future prospects
B Zheng, JB Campbell, G Serbin, JM Galbraith
Soil and Tillage Research 138, 26-34, 2014
Appalachian mine soil morphology and properties: Effects of weathering and mining method
KC Haering, WL Daniels, JM Galbraith
Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (4), 1315-1325, 2004
Monitoring wetland change using inter-annual landsat time-series data
N Kayastha, V Thomas, J Galbraith, A Banskota
Wetlands 32, 1149-1162, 2012
Rapid identification of oil‐contaminated soils using visible near‐infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
S Chakraborty, DC Weindorf, CLS Morgan, Y Ge, JM Galbraith, B Li, ...
Journal of environmental quality 39 (4), 1378-1387, 2010
Effects of silvicultural treatments on survival and growth of trees planted on reclaimed mine lands in the Appalachians
CN Casselman, TR Fox, JA Burger, AT Jones, JM Galbraith
Forest Ecology and Management 223 (1-3), 403-414, 2006
Spectral reflectance variability from soil physicochemical properties in oil contaminated soils
S Chakraborty, DC Weindorf, Y Zhu, B Li, CLS Morgan, Y Ge, J Galbraith
Geoderma 177, 80-89, 2012
New constraints on the late Cenozoic incision history of the New River, Virginia
DJ Ward, JA Spotila, GS Hancock, JM Galbraith
Geomorphology 72 (1-4), 54-72, 2005
Impacts of nitrogen fertilization rate and landscape position on select soil properties in switchgrass field at four sites in the USA
P Kumar, L Lai, ML Battaglia, S Kumar, V Owens, J Fike, J Galbraith, ...
Catena 180, 183-193, 2019
Sources of uncertainty affecting soil organic carbon estimates in northern New York
JM Galbraith, PJA Kleinman, RB Bryant
Soil Science Society of America Journal 67 (4), 1206-1212, 2003
A revised methodology for estimation of forest soil carbon from spatial soils and forest inventory data sets
BY Amichev, JM Galbraith
Environmental Management 33, S74-S86, 2004
Incorporating anthropogenic processes in soil classification
RB Bryant, JM Galbraith
Soil Classification, 57-66, 2002
Use of the global positioning system in soil survey.
DS Long, SD DeGloria, JM Galbraith
Journal of soil and water conservation 46 (4), 293-297, 1991
Impacts of nitrogen rate and landscape position on soils and switchgrass root growth parameters
S Kumar, L Lai, P Kumar, YM Valentín Feliciano, ML Battaglia, CO Hong, ...
Agronomy Journal 111 (3), 1046-1059, 2019
Validation testing of a portable kit for measuring an active soil carbon fraction
CA Stiles, RD Hammer, MG Johnson, R Ferguson, J Galbraith, T O'Geen, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 75 (6), 2330-2340, 2011
Some new structures of C28
S Portmann, JM Galbraith, HF Schaefer, GE Scuseria, HP Lüthi
Chemical physics letters 301 (1-2), 98-104, 1999
Development of a forest site quality classification model for mine soils in the Appalachian Coalfield Region
AT Jones, JM Galbraith, JA Burger
Proceedings, 22nd Meeting, American Society for Mining and Reclamation, 523-539, 2005
Continental United States atmospheric wet calcium deposition and soil inorganic carbon stocks
MA Goddard, EA Mikhailova, CJ Post, MA Schlautman, JM Galbraith
Soil Science Society of America Journal 73 (3), 989-994, 2009
Human-altered and human-transported (HAHT) soils in the US soil classification system
JM Galbraith
Soil science and plant nutrition 64 (2), 190-199, 2018
Soil organic carbon content in frigid southern Appalachian mountain soils
JO Miller, JM Galbraith, WL Daniels
Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (1), 194-203, 2004
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