Noorunnisa Khanam
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Zitiert von
Novel electrospun chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol/zinc oxide nanofibrous mats with antibacterial and antioxidant properties for diabetic wound healing
R Ahmed, M Tariq, I Ali, R Asghar, PN Khanam, R Augustine, A Hasan
International journal of biological macromolecules 120, 385-393, 2018
Processing and characterization of polyethylene-based composites
PN Khanam, MAA AlMaadeed
Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science 1 (2), 63-79, 2015
Chemical resistance, void content and tensile properties of oil palm/jute fibre reinforced polymer hybrid composites
M Jawaid, HPSA Khalil, AA Bakar, PN Khanam
Materials & Design 32 (2), 1014-1019, 2011
Date palm wood flour/glass fibre reinforced hybrid composites of recycled polypropylene: Mechanical and thermal properties
MA AlMaadeed, R Kahraman, PN Khanam, N Madi
Materials & Design 42, 289-294, 2012
Sisal/carbon fibre reinforced hybrid composites: tensile, flexural and chemical resistance properties
P Noorunnisa Khanam, HPS Abdul Khalil, M Jawaid, ...
Journal of Polymers and the Environment 18, 727-733, 2010
Tensile, flexural and compressive properties of sisal/silk hybrid composites
P Noorunnisa Khanam, M Mohan Reddy, K Raghu, K John, ...
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 26 (10), 1065-1070, 2007
Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle Incorporated Electrospun Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) Membranes for Diabetic Wound Healing Applications
R Augustine, A Hasan, NK Patan, YB Dalvi, R Varghese, A Antony, ...
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 6 (1), 58-70, 2019
Hybrid composites made from oil palm empty fruit bunches/jute fibres: Water absorption, thickness swelling and density behaviours
M Jawaid, HPS Abdul Khalil, P Noorunnisa Khanam, A Abu Bakar
Journal of Polymers and the Environment 19, 106-109, 2011
A new insight in determining the percolation threshold of electrical conductivity for extrinsically conducting polymer composites through different sigmoidal models
M Rahaman, A Aldalbahi, P Govindasami, NP Khanam, S Bhandari, ...
Polymers 9 (10), 527, 2017
Tensile, flexural, and compressive properties of coir/silk fiber-reinforced hybrid composites
P Noorunnisa Khanam, G Ramachandra Reddy, K Raghu, ...
Journal of reinforced plastics and composites 29 (14), 2124-2127, 2010
Melt processing and characterisation of polyamide 6/graphene nanoplatelet composites
B Mayoral, E Harkin-Jones, PN Khanam, MA AlMaadeed, M Ouederni, ...
Rsc Advances 5 (65), 52395-52409, 2015
Melt processing and properties of linear low density polyethylene-graphene nanoplatelet composites
PN Khanam, MA AlMaadeed, M Ouederni, E Harkin-Jones, B Mayoral, ...
Vacuum 130, 63-71, 2016
Effect of chain structure on the properties of Glass fibre/polyethylene composites
MA AlMaadeed, M Ouederni, PN Khanam
Materials & Design 47, 725-730, 2013
Tensile, flexural and chemical resistance properties of sisal fibre reinforced polymer composites: effect of fibre surface treatment
P Noorunnisa Khanam, HPS Abdul Khalil, G Ramachandra Reddy, ...
Journal of Polymers and the Environment 19, 115-119, 2011
Electrical properties of graphene polymer nanocomposites
PN Khanam, D Ponnamma, MA Al-Madeed
Graphene-based polymer nanocomposites in electronics, 25-47, 2015
Improvement of ternary recycled polymer blend reinforced with date palm fibre
PN Khanam, MA AlMaadeed
Materials & Design 60, 532-539, 2014
Characterization of untreated and treated male and female date palm leaves
MA AlMaadeed, R Kahraman, PN Khanam, S Al-Maadeed
Materials & Design 43, 526-531, 2013
Chemical resistance studies of silk/sisal fiber-reinforced unsaturated polyester-based hybrid composites
K Raghu, P Noorunnisa Khanam, S Venkata Naidu
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 29 (3), 343-345, 2010
Titanium nanorods loaded PCL meshes with enhanced blood vessel formation and cell migration for wound dressing applications
R Augustine, A Hasan, NK Patan, A Augustine, YB Dalvi, R Varghese, ...
Macromolecular bioscience 19 (7), 1900058, 2019
Effects of date palm leaf fiber on the thermal and tensile properties of recycled ternary polyolefin blend composites
KM Zadeh, IM Inuwa, R Arjmandi, A Hassan, M Almaadeed, Z Mohamad, ...
Fibers and Polymers 18, 1330-1335, 2017
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