Keyvan Azadbakht
Keyvan Azadbakht
PhD in Computer Science, Leiden University
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A high-level and scalable approach for generating scale-free graphs using active objects
K Azadbakht, N Bezirgiannis, FS de Boer, S Aliakbary
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1244-1250, 2016
Multi-threaded actors
K Azadbakht, FS de Boer, V Serbanescu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.03322, 2016
A design pattern for optimizations in data intensive applications using ABS and JAVA 8
V Serbanescu, K Azadbakht, F de Boer, C Nagarajagowda, B Nobakht
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28 (2), 374-385, 2016
Towards process lines for agent-oriented requirements engineering
F Golpayegani, K Azadbakht, R Ramsin
Eurocon 2013, 550-557, 2013
Towards type-based optimizations in distributed applications using ABS and JAVA 8
V Serbanescu, C Nagarajagowda, K Azadbakht, F de Boer, B Nobakht
Adaptive Resource Management and Scheduling for Cloud Computing: First …, 2014
A formal actor-based model for streaming the future
K Azadbakht, FS de Boer, N Bezirgiannis, E de Vink
Science of Computer Programming 186, 102341, 2020
On Futures for Streaming Data in ABS: (Short Paper)
K Azadbakht, N Bezirgiannis, FS de Boer
Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems: 37th …, 2017
Distributed network generation based on preferential attachment in ABS
K Azadbakht, N Bezirgiannis, FS de Boer
SOFSEM 2017: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 43rd International …, 2017
Deadlock detection for actor-based coroutines
K Azadbakht, FS de Boer, E de Vink
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 39-54, 2018
A java-based distributed approach for generating large-scale social network graphs
V Şerbănescu, K Azadbakht, F de Boer
Resource Management for Big Data Platforms: Algorithms, Modelling, and High …, 2016
High performance computing applications using parallel data processing units
K Azadbakht, V Serbanescu, F De Boer
International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering, 191-206, 2015
Asynchronous Programming in the Abstract Behavioural Specification Language
K Azadbakht
networks 71 (3), 036113, 2005
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