David Chosid
David Chosid
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
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Development and observations of Squalus acanthias reduction device in Merluccius bilinearis trawl
DM Chosid, M Pol, M Szymanski, F Mirarchi, A Mirarchi
Fisheries Research 114, 66-75, 2012
A systematic model for artificial reef site selection
JS Barber, DM Chosid, RP Glenn, KA Whitmore
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43 (1), 283-297, 2009
Diel variation within the species selective “topless” trawl net
DM Chosid, M Pol, M Szymanski, L Ribas, T Moth-Poulsen
Journal of Ocean Technology 3 (2), 31-58, 2008
Quantitative analysis of the behavior of longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) in reaction to a species separation grid of an otter trawl
SM Bayse, P He, MV Pol, DM Chosid
Fisheries Research 152, 55-61, 2014
Fork length–total length conversions for Haddock and Pollock
MV Pol, MJ Szymanski, DM Chosid, D Salerno
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31 (3), 427-430, 2011
Boston Harbor artificial reef site selection & monitoring program
JS Barber, KA Whitmore, M Rousseau, DM Chosid, RP Glenn
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, 2009
HadFleet2 : Continued Testing of the Five - Point Trawl Net
D Chosid, M Pol, M Szymanski
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, 0
Complementary Testing of Off-Bottom Trawls to Target Georges Bank Haddock
DM Chosid, M Pol
2005 Massachusetts Lobster Monitoring and Stock Status Report
R Glenn, T Pugh, J Barber, D Chosid
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, 2007
Evaluation of the performance of an alternative leader design on the bycatch of sea turtles and the catch of finfish in Chesapeake bay pound nets, offshore Kiptopeake, VA
J DeAlteris, D Chosid, R Silva, P Politis
Final Report submitted to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2004
Testing of a helix twine off-bottom trawl on Georges Bank
D Chosid, M Pol
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 410, 2023
Early Opening Experimental Fishery for Silver Hake/Whiting in Small Mesh Area 1 and the Western Raised Footrope Exemption Area
DM Chosid, M Pol, BP Schondelmeier, M Griffin, E Ave
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, 2019
CANCELLED: Comparison of a Bycatch Reduction Trawl over 20 Years of Climate and Ecosystem Change
M Pol, D Chosid, B Schondelmeier, M Griffin
148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 2018
2007 Haddock Workshop: Recent Advances in Haddock Separation Technology
K Lavalley, R Zeiber, S Adams
What Is The Optimum Mesh Size To Harvest Groundfish On Georges Bank?: Drawing Conclusions From Cooperative Research
K La Valley
Effects of Codend Mesh Size on the Multispecies Yield and Spawning Stock Biomass in the Western Georges Bank Trawl Fisheries
DM Chosid
University of Rhode Island, 2004
DOGGRATE: Development of a Spiny Dogfish Excluder in a Raised
FW Trawl
Utilizing video analysis to evaluate squid behavior to otter trawls and bycatch reduction devices
S Bayse¹, M Pol, D Chosid, M Szymanski
DOGGRATE: Development of a Spiny Dogfish Excluder in a Raised Footrope Whiting Trawl
D Chosid
Video Observation and Testing of a Grate to Reduce Bycatch of Spiny Dogfish Squalus acanthias in a Silver Hake Merluccius bilinearis Trawl Fishery
D Chosid, M Pol, M Szymanski, F Mirarchi, A Mirarchi
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