Martin John How
Martin John How
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A different form of color vision in mantis shrimp
HH Thoen, MJ How, TH Chiou, J Marshall
Science 343 (6169), 411-413, 2014
Cyp27c1 Red-Shifts the Spectral Sensitivity of Photoreceptors by Converting Vitamin A1 into A2
JM Enright, MB Toomey, S Sato, SE Temple, JR Allen, R Fujiwara, ...
Current Biology 25 (23), 3048-3057, 2015
Dynamic polarization vision in mantis shrimps
IM Daly, MJ How, JC Partridge, SE Temple, NJ Marshall, TW Cronin, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12140, 2016
Circularly polarized light as a communication signal in mantis shrimps
YL Gagnon, RM Templin, MJ How, NJ Marshall
Current Biology 25 (23), 3074-3078, 2015
Motion camouflage induced by zebra stripes
MJ How, JM Zanker
Zoology 117 (3), 163-170, 2014
Polarisation vision: overcoming challenges of working with a property of light we barely see
JJ Foster, SE Temple, MJ How, IM Daly, CR Sharkey, D Wilby, ...
The Science of Nature 105, 1-26, 2018
Claw waving display changes with receiver distance in fiddler crabs, Uca perplexa
MJ How, JM Hemmi, J Zeil, R Peters
Animal Behaviour 75 (3), 1015-1022, 2008
High-resolution polarisation vision in a cuttlefish
SE Temple, V Pignatelli, T Cook, MJ How, TH Chiou, NW Roberts, ...
Current Biology 22 (4), R121-R122, 2012
Benefits of zebra stripes: Behaviour of tabanid flies around zebras and horses
T Caro, Y Argueta, ES Briolat, J Bruggink, M Kasprowsky, J Lake, ...
PLoS One 14 (2), e0210831, 2019
To Be Seen or to Hide: Visual Characteristics of Body Patterns for Camouflage and Communication in the Australian Giant Cuttlefish Sepia apama
S Zylinski, MJ How, D Osorio, RT Hanlon, NJ Marshall
The American Naturalist 177 (5), 681-690, 2011
Dynamic skin patterns in cephalopods
MJ How, MD Norman, J Finn, WS Chung, NJ Marshall
Frontiers in physiology 8, 393, 2017
Polarization distance: a framework for modelling object detection by polarization vision systems
MJ How, NJ Marshall
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1776), 20131632, 2014
Target detection is enhanced by polarization vision in a fiddler crab
MJ How, JH Christy, SE Temple, JM Hemmi, NJ Marshall, NW Roberts
Current Biology 25 (23), 3069-3073, 2015
Variability of a dynamic visual signal: the fiddler crab claw-waving display
MJ How, J Zeil, JM Hemmi
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195, 55-67, 2009
High e-vector acuity in the polarisation vision system of the fiddler crab Uca vomeris
MJ How, V Pignatelli, SE Temple, NJ Marshall, JM Hemmi
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (12), 2128-2134, 2012
Conspicuous visual signals do not coevolve with increased body size in marine sea slugs
KL Cheney, F Cortesi, MJ How, NG Wilson, SP Blomberg, AE Winters, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 27 (4), 676-687, 2014
Stabilizing selection on individual pattern elements of aposematic signals
AE Winters, NF Green, NG Wilson, MJ How, MJ Garson, NJ Marshall, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1861), 20170926, 2017
Toxicity and taste: unequal chemical defences in a mimicry ring
AE Winters, NG Wilson, CP van den Berg, MJ How, JA Endler, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1880), 20180457, 2018
Differences in context and function of two distinct waving displays in the fiddler crab, Uca perplexa (Decapoda: Ocypodidae)
MJ How, J Zeil, JM Hemmi
Behavioral ecology and Sociobiology 62, 137-148, 2007
Out of the blue: the evolution of horizontally polarized signals in Haptosquilla (Crustacea, Stomatopoda, Protosquillidae)
MJ How, ML Porter, AN Radford, KD Feller, SE Temple, RL Caldwell, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (19), 3425-3431, 2014
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