Gregory Beylkin
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Fast wavelet transforms and numerical algorithms I
G Beylkin, R Coifman, V Rokhlin
Communications on pure and applied mathematics 44 (2), 141-183, 1991
On the representation of operators in bases of compactly supported wavelets
G Beylkin
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 29 (6), 1716-1740, 1992
Imaging of discontinuities in the inverse scattering problem by inversion of a causal generalized Radon transform
G Beylkin
Journal of mathematical physics 26 (1), 99-108, 1985
Discrete Radon Transform
G Beylkin
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 35 (2), 162-172, 1987
Wavelet-like bases for the fast solution of second-kind integral equations
B Alpert, G Beylkin, R Coifman, V Rokhlin
SIAM journal on Scientific Computing 14 (1), 159-184, 1993
A new slant on seismic imaging: Migration and integral geometry
D Miller, M Oristaglio, G Beylkin
Geophysics 52 (7), 943-964, 1987
On the fast Fourier transform of functions with singularities
G Beylkin
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 2 (4), 363-381, 1995
Algorithms for numerical analysis in high dimensions
G Beylkin, MJ Mohlenkamp
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 26 (6), 2133-2159, 2005
Linearized inverse scattering problems in acoustics and elasticity
G Beylkin, R Burridge
Wave motion 12 (1), 15-52, 1990
Numerical operator calculus in higher dimensions
G Beylkin, MJ Mohlenkamp
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (16), 10246-10251, 2002
On approximation of functions by exponential sums
G Beylkin, L Monzón
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 19 (1), 17-48, 2005
A new class of time discretization schemes for the solution of nonlinear PDEs
G Beylkin, JM Keiser, L Vozovoi
Journal of computational physics 147 (2), 362-387, 1998
Adaptive solution of partial differential equations in multiwavelet bases
B Alpert, G Beylkin, D Gines, L Vozovoi
Journal of Computational Physics 182 (1), 149-190, 2002
Multiresolution quantum chemistry: Basic theory and initial applications
RJ Harrison, GI Fann, T Yanai, Z Gan, G Beylkin
The Journal of chemical physics 121 (23), 11587-11598, 2004
The inversion problem and applications of the generalized Radon transform
G Beylkin
Communications on pure and applied mathematics 37 (5), 579-599, 1984
Multiresolution representations using the autocorrelation functions of compactly supported wavelets
N Saito, G Beylkin
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 41 (12), 3584-3590, 1993
Efficient solution of Poisson’s equation with free boundary conditions
L Genovese, T Deutsch, A Neelov, S Goedecker, G Beylkin
The Journal of chemical physics 125 (7), 2006
On the adaptive numerical solution of nonlinear partial differential equations in wavelet bases
G Beylkin, JM Keiser
Journal of computational physics 132 (2), 233-259, 1997
Approximation by exponential sums revisited
G Beylkin, L Monzón
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 28 (2), 131-149, 2010
Wavelets in Numerical Analysis
G Beylkin, R Coifman, V Rokhlin
Wavelets and their applications, 181-210, 1992
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