Caroline C. Ummenhofer
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Extreme weather and climate events with ecological relevance: a review
CC Ummenhofer, GA Meehl
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 372 (1723), 20160135, 2017
What causes southeast Australia's worst droughts?
CC Ummenhofer, MH England, PC McIntosh, GA Meyers, MJ Pook, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (4), L04706, 2009
Drivers and impacts of the most extreme marine heatwave events
AS Gupta, M Thomsen, JA Benthuysen, AJ Hobday, E Oliver, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-15, 2020
Past and future rainfall in the Horn of Africa
JE Tierney, CC Ummenhofer, PB deMenocal
Science advances 1 (9), e1500682, 2015
Droughts, Wildfires, and Forest Carbon Cycling: A Pantropical Synthesis
PM Brando, L Paolucci, CC Ummenhofer, EM Ordway, H Hartmann, ...
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 47, 555-581, 2019
Contributions of Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures to enhanced East African rainfall
CC Ummenhofer, A Sen Gupta, MH England, CJC Reason
Journal of Climate 22 (4), 993-1013, 2009
The Indo-Australian monsoon and its relationship to ENSO and IOD in reanalysis data and the CMIP3/CMIP5 simulations
NC Jourdain, AS Gupta, AS Taschetto, CC Ummenhofer, AF Moise, ...
Climate dynamics 41 (11-12), 3073-3102, 2013
Cold tongue and warm pool ENSO events in CMIP5: mean state and future projections
AS Taschetto, AS Gupta, NC Jourdain, A Santoso, CC Ummenhofer, ...
Journal of Climate 27 (8), 2861-2885, 2014
Projected changes to the Southern Hemisphere ocean and sea ice in the IPCC AR4 climate models
A Sen Gupta, A Santoso, AS Taschetto, CC Ummenhofer, J Trevena, ...
Journal of Climate 22 (11), 3047-3078, 2009
Initialized Earth System prediction from subseasonal to decadal timescales
GA Meehl, JH Richter, H Teng, A Capotondi, K Cobb, F Doblas-Reyes, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 2 (5), 340-357, 2021
Coupling of Indo-Pacific climate variability over the last millennium
NJ Abram, NM Wright, B Ellis, BC Dixon, JB Wurtzel, MH England, ...
Nature 579 (7799), 385-392, 2020
Indian and Pacific Ocean influences on southeast Australian drought and soil moisture
CC Ummenhofer, A Sen Gupta, PR Briggs, MH England, PC McIntosh, ...
Journal of Climate 24 (5), 1313-1336, 2011
Interannual rainfall extremes over southwest Western Australia linked to Indian Ocean climate variability
MH England, CC Ummenhofer, A Santoso
Journal of climate 19 (10), 1948-1969, 2006
ENSO Atmospheric Teleconnections
AS Taschetto, CC Ummenhofer, MF Stuecker, D Dommenget, K Ashok, ...
El Niño Southern Oscillation in a Changing Climate, 309-335, 2020
Recent Tropical Expansion: Natural Variability or Forced Response?
KM Grise, SM Davis, IR Simpson, DW Waugh, Q Fu, RJ Allen, ...
Journal of Climate 32 (5), 1551-1571, 2019
Characteristics and variability of synoptic features associated with cool season rainfall in southeastern Australia
JS Risbey, MJ Pook, PC McIntosh, CC Ummenhofer, G Meyers
International Journal of Climatology 29 (11), 1595-1613, 2009
Anomalous rainfall over southwest Western Australia forced by Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures
CC Ummenhofer, A Sen Gupta, MJ Pook, MH England
Journal of Climate 21 (19), 5113-5134, 2008
Interannual extremes in New Zealand precipitation linked to modes of Southern Hemisphere climate variability
CC Ummenhofer, MH England
Journal of Climate 20 (21), 5418-5440, 2007
Multi-decadal modulation of the El Niño–Indian monsoon relationship by Indian Ocean variability
CC Ummenhofer, AS Gupta, Y Li, AS Taschetto, MH England
Environmental Research Letters 6 (3), 034006, 2011
The autumn break for cropping in southeast Australia: trends, synoptic influences and impacts on wheat yield
M Pook, S Lisson, J Risbey, CC Ummenhofer, P McIntosh, M Rebbeck
International Journal of Climatology 29 (13), 2012-2026, 2009
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