Nigel Thomas
Nigel Thomas
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The ethics of participatory research with children
N Thomas, C O'kane
Children & society 12 (5), 336-348, 1998
Towards a theory of children’s participation
N Thomas
Children’s Rights: Progress and Perspectives, 48-71, 2011
A handbook of children and young people's participation: Perspectives from theory and practice
B Percy-Smith, NP Thomas
Routledge, 2009
Children, family and the state: Decision making and child participation
N Thomas
Springer, 2000
Participation and health–a research review of child participation in planning and decision‐making
SA Vis, A Strandbu, A Holtan, N Thomas
Child & Family Social Work 16 (3), 325-335, 2011
Obstacles for child participation in care and protection cases—why Norwegian social workers find it difficult
SA Vis, A Holtan, N Thomas
Child abuse review 21 (1), 7-23, 2012
Your friends don’t understand’: Invisibility and unmet need in the lives of ‘young carers
N Thomas, T Stainton, S Jackson, WY Cheung, S Doubtfire, A Webb
Child & Family Social Work 8 (1), 35-46, 2003
Love, rights and solidarity: Studying children’s participation using Honneth’s theory of recognition
N Thomas
Childhood 19 (4), 453-466, 2012
Discovering what children think: Connections between research and practice
N Thomas, C O'Kane
British journal of social work 30 (6), 819-835, 2000
Imagining an ideal school for wellbeing: Locating student voice
C Simmons, A Graham, N Thomas
Journal of Educational Change 16, 129-144, 2015
Beyond talking–children's participation in Norwegian care and protection cases: Ikke bare snakk–barns deltakelse i Norske barnevernssaker
SA Vis, N Thomas
European Journal of Social Work 12 (2), 155-168, 2009
Children's participation in reviews and planning meetings when they arelooked after'in middle childhood'
N Thomas, C O'Kane
Child and family social work 4, 221-230, 1999
Wellbeing in schools: what do students tell us?
MA Powell, A Graham, R Fitzgerald, N Thomas, NE White
The Australian Educational Researcher 45 (4), 515-531, 2018
When children's wishes and feelings clash with their best interests'
N Thomas, C O'Kane
Int'l J. Child. Rts. 6, 137, 1998
Conceptualisations of children’s wellbeing at school: The contribution of recognition theory
N Thomas, A Graham, MA Powell, R Fitzgerald
Childhood 23 (4), 506-520, 2016
Good practice in social care for refugee and asylum‐seeking children
K Newbigging, N Thomas
Child Abuse Review 20 (5), 374-390, 2011
On the move again? What works in creating stability for looked after children (2001, What works in creating stability for looked after children?)
S Jackson, N Thomas
Barnardo's, 1999
Reframing ‘well-being’in schools: The potential of recognition
A Graham, MA Powell, N Thomas, D Anderson
Cambridge Journal of Education 47 (4), 439-455, 2017
Introduction: children, politics and communication
N Thomas
Children, politics and communication, 1-6, 2009
Experiences of decision-making in middle childhood: The example of childrenlooked after'by local authorities
N Thomas, C O'KANE
Childhood 6 (3), 369-387, 1999
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