Dr K. M. Hock
Dr K. M. Hock
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Acceleration in the linear non-scaling fixed-field alternating-gradient accelerator EMMA
S Machida, R Barlow, JS Berg, N Bliss, RK Buckley, JA Clarke, ...
Nature Physics 8 (3), 243-247, 2012
Phase transitions and excitation spectrum of submonolayer potassium on graphite
ZY Li, KM Hock, RE Palmer
Physical review letters 67 (12), 1562, 1991
Shift of resonance frequency of long conducting fibers embedded in a composite
SM Matitsine, KM Hock, L Liu, YB Gan, AN Lagarkov, KN Rozanov
Journal of applied physics 94 (2), 1146-1154, 2003
Effect of oversampling in pixel arrays
KM Hock
Optical Engineering 34 (5), 1281-1288, 1995
Narrowband weak signal detection by higher order spectrum
KM Hock
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 44 (4), 874-879, 1996
International linear collider reference design report volume 2: physics at the ILC
A Djouadi, J Lykken, K Mönig, Y Okada, M Oreglia, S Yamashita
arXiv preprint arXiv:0709.1893, 2007
Competing routes for charge transfer in co-adsorption of K and O 2 on graphite
KM Hock, JC Barnard, RE Palmer, H Ishida
Physical review letters 71 (4), 641, 1993
Temperature dependent behaviour in the adsorption of submonolayer potassium on graphite
KM Hock, RE Palmer
Surface science 284 (3), 349-360, 1993
Tomographic reconstruction of the full 4D transverse phase space
KM Hock, A Wolski
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2013
Beam tomography in transverse normalised phase space
KM Hock, MG Ibison, DJ Holder, A Wolski, BD Muratori
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2011
Error correction for diffraction and multiple scattering in free-space microwave measurement of materials
KM Hock
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 54 (2), 648-659, 2006
Potassium-adsorption-induced plasmon frequency shift in graphite
ZY Li, KM Hock, RE Palmer, JF Annett
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 3 (S), S103, 1991
Intercalation of potassium from the surface of graphite
JC Barnard, KM Hock, RE Palmer
Surface science 287, 178-182, 1993
Resonance electron scattering by physisorbed and chemisorbed O2 on Pt (111)
L Šiller, JF Wendelken, KM Hock, RE Palmer
Chemical physics letters 210 (1-3), 15-20, 1993
ILC reference design report: ILC global design effort and world wide study
J Brau, T Mimashi, JY Jung, H Wang, CT Shi, JC Vanel, A He, J Meyer, ...
Status of the PRISM FFAG design for the next generation muon-to-electron conversion experiment, Conf
H Witte, B Muratori, K Hock, R Appleby, H Owen
Proc. C 1205201, 79-81, 2012
The design of the positron source for the International Linear Collider
JA Clarke, I Bailey, E Baynham, V Bharadwaj, T Bradshaw, A Brummitt, ...
proceedings of EPAC 8, 2008
The PyZgoubi framework and the simulation of dynamic aperture in fixed-field alternating-gradient accelerators
S Tygier, RB Appleby, JM Garland, K Hock, H Owen, DJ Kelliher, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2015
Beam tomography research at Daresbury Laboratory
KM Hock, MG Ibison, DJ Holder, BD Muratori, A Wolski, G Kourkafas, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2014
A study of the maximum entropy technique for phase space tomography
KM Hock, MG Ibison
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (02), P02003, 2013
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