Tova Rosenbloom
Tova Rosenbloom
Professor, Management Department, Bar Ilan University
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Crossing at a red light: Behaviour of individuals and groups
T Rosenbloom
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (5), 389-394, 2009
Risk evaluation and risky behavior of high and low sensation seekers
T Rosenbloom
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 31 (4), 375-386, 2003
For heaven’s sake follow the rules: pedestrians’ behavior in an ultra-orthodox and a non-orthodox city
T Rosenbloom, D Nemrodov, H Barkan
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 7 (6), 395-404, 2004
Risk perception of driving as a function of advanced training aimed at recognizing and handling risks in demanding driving situations
T Rosenbloom, A Shahar, A Elharar, O Danino
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (2), 697-703, 2008
Driving performance while using cell phones: An observational study
T Rosenbloom
Journal of Safety Research 37 (2), 207-212, 2006
Children’s crossing behavior with an accompanying adult
T Rosenbloom, A Ben-Eliyahu, D Nemrodov
Safety science 46 (8), 1248-1254, 2008
Sensation seeking and risk taking in mortality salience
T Rosenbloom
Personality and individual differences 35 (8), 1809-1819, 2003
Sensation seeking and detection of risky road signals: a developmental perspective
T Rosenbloom, Y Wolf
Accident Analysis & Prevention 34 (5), 569-580, 2002
Differences between taxi and nonprofessional male drivers in attitudes towards traffic-violation penalties
T Rosenbloom, A Shahar
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 10 (5), 428-435, 2007
Thirty-day self-reported risky driving behaviors of ADHD and non-ADHD drivers
T Rosenbloom, B Wultz
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (1), 128-133, 2011
Hazard perception of motorcyclists and car drivers
T Rosenbloom, A Perlman, A Pereg
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (3), 601-604, 2011
Optimism of health care workers during a disaster: a review of the literature
N Boldor, Y Bar-Dayan, T Rosenbloom, J Shemer, Y Bar-Dayan
Emerging health threats journal 5 (1), 7270, 2012
Color preferences of high and low sensation seekers
T Rosenbloom
Creativity Research Journal 18 (2), 229-235, 2006
Women drivers' behavior in well-known versus less familiar locations
T Rosenbloom, A Perlman, A Shahar
Journal of safety research 38 (3), 283-288, 2007
Secondary traumatic stress, vicarious posttraumatic growth and their association in emergency room physicians and nurses
L Yaakubov, Y Hoffman, T Rosenbloom
European journal of psychotraumatology 11 (1), 1830462, 2020
Hazard perception test for pedestrians
T Rosenbloom, R Mandel, Y Rosner, E Eldror
Accident Analysis & Prevention 79, 160-169, 2015
Misjudging their own steps: why elderly people have trouble crossing the road
AZ Zivotofsky, E Eldror, R Mandel, T Rosenbloom
Human factors 54 (4), 600-607, 2012
Effectiveness evaluation of simulative workshops for newly licensed drivers
T Rosenbloom, E Eldror
Accident Analysis & Prevention 63, 30-36, 2014
Body image among victims of sexual and physical abuse
I Kremer, I Orbach, T Rosenbloom
Violence and victims 28 (2), 259-273, 2013
Sensation seeking and pedestrian crossing compliance
T Rosenbloom
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 34 (2), 113-122, 2006
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