Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Matthew BrackenWeitere Informationen
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Herbivore metabolism and stoichiometry each constrain herbivory at different organizational scales across ecosystems
H Hillebrand, ET Borer, MES Bracken, BJ Cardinale, J Cebrian, ...
Ecology Letters 12 (6), 516-527, 2009
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Effects of experimental warming on biodiversity depend on ecosystem type and local species composition
DS Gruner, MES Bracken, SA Berger, BK Eriksson, L Gamfeldt, ...
Oikos 126 (1), 8-17, 2017
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Nutrient enrichment alters the consequences of species loss
NE O'Connor, MES Bracken, TP Crowe, I Donohue
Journal of Ecology 103 (4), 862-870, 2015
Mandate: Science Foundation Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Spatial scale mediates the effects of biodiversity on marine primary producers
MES Bracken, JG Douglass, V Perini, GC Trussell
Ecology 98 (5), 1434-1443, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Alternative state? Experimentally induced Fucus canopy persists 38 yr in an Ascophyllum‐dominated community
BA Menge, MES Bracken, J Lubchenco, HM Leslie
Ecosphere 8 (3), e01725, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Nitrate uptake varies with tide height and nutrient availability in the intertidal seaweed Fucus vesiculosus
KM Benes, MES Bracken
Journal of phycology 52 (5), 863-876, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Species, community, and ecosystem-level responses following the invasion of the red alga Dasysiphonia japonica to the western North Atlantic Ocean
C Ramsay-Newton, A Drouin, AR Hughes, MES Bracken
Biological Invasions 19, 537-547, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
Flexibility of nutritional strategies within a mutualism: food availability affects algal symbiont productivity in two congeneric sea anemone species
SA Bedgood, SE Mastroni, MES Bracken
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1940), 20201860, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Functional redundancy buffers mobile invertebrates against the loss of foundation species on rocky shores
LA Elsberry, MES Bracken
Marine Ecology Progress Series 673, 43-54, 2021
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Education, US National …
Stoichiometric mismatch between consumers and resources mediates the growth of rocky intertidal suspension feeders
MES Bracken
Frontiers in Microbiology 8, 1297, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Accounting for variation in temperature and oxygen availability when quantifying marine ecosystem metabolism
MES Bracken, LP Miller, SE Mastroni, SM Lira, CJB Sorte
Scientific reports 12 (1), 825, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Intertidal canopy‐forming seaweeds modulate understory seaweed photoprotective compounds
EA Roberts, MES Bracken
Journal of Phycology 57 (2), 645-654, 2021
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Quantifying the top-down effects of grazers on a rocky shore: selective grazing and the potential for competition
DE LaScala-Gruenewald, LP Miller, MES Bracken, BJ Allen, MW Denny
Marine Ecology Progress Series 553, 49-66, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Interactive effects of large‐and local‐scale environmental gradients on phenotypic differentiation
K Benes, MES Bracken
Ecology 101 (8), e03078, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
The underappreciated role of life history in mediating the functional consequences of biodiversity change
MES Bracken, SL Williams
Oikos 126 (4), 488-496, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Complementarity in spatial subsidies of carbon associated with resource partitioning along multiple niche axes
MES Bracken
Oecologia 193 (2), 425-436, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Predicting rates of consumer-mediated nutrient cycling by a diverse herbivore assemblage
MES Bracken, JM Oates, AJ Badten, G Bernatchez
Marine Biology 165, 1-10, 2018
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Sea anemone microhabitats enhance the diversity and biomass of mobile invertebrates on temperate rocky shores
SA Bedgood, ST Levell, MES Bracken
Marine Ecology Progress Series 715, 57-68, 2023
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Susan Lynn Williams: the Life of an Exceptional Scholar, Leader, and Friend (1951–2018)
WC Dennison, MES Bracken, M Brown, JF Bruno, JT Carlton, ...
Estuaries and Coasts 44, 304-311, 2021
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, US National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
Climate change amelioration by marine producers: Does dominance predict impact?
SA Mahanes, MES Bracken, CJB Sorte
The Biological Bulletin 243 (3), 299-314, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
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