Shubham Chandel
Shubham Chandel
Optical Design engineer
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Autonomous self-repair in piezoelectric molecular crystals
CMR Surojit Bhunia,Shubham Chandel,Sumanta Kumar Karan,Somnath Dey, Akash ...
Science 373 (6552,), 321-327, 2021
Quantitative fluorescence and elastic scattering tissue polarimetry using an Eigenvalue calibrated spectroscopic Mueller matrix system
J Soni, H Purwar, H Lakhotia, S Chandel, C Banerjee, U Kumar, N Ghosh
Optics express 21 (13), 15475-15489, 2013
Quantitative Mueller matrix fluorescence spectroscopy for precancer detection
J Jagtap, S Chandel, N Das, J Soni, S Chatterjee, A Pradhan, N Ghosh
Optics letters 39 (2), 243-246, 2014
Analysis of tissue microstructure with Mueller microscopy: logarithmic decomposition and Monte Carlo modeling
P Li, HR Lee, S Chandel, C Lotz, FK Groeber-Becker, S Dembski, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 25 (1), 015002-015002, 2020
Complete polarization characterization of single plasmonic nanoparticle enabled by a novel Dark-field Mueller matrix spectroscopy system
NG Shubham Chandel, Jalpa Soni, Subir kumar Ray, Anwesh Das, Anirudha Ghosh ...
Scientific Reports 6 (Article number: 26466), 2016
Polarization-tailored Fano interference in plasmonic crystals: a Mueller matrix model of anisotropic Fano resonance
SK Ray, S Chandel, AK Singh, A Kumar, A Mandal, S Misra, P Mitra, ...
ACS nano 11 (2), 1641-1648, 2017
Tunable Fano resonance using weak-value amplification with asymmetric spectral response as a natural pointer
AK Singh, SK Ray, S Chandel, S Pal, A Gupta, P Mitra, N Ghosh
Physical Review A 97 (5), 053801, 2018
Studying the crystallization of polyoxometalates from colloidal softoxometalates
P Thomas, S Chandel, A Mallick, SS Sreejith, N Ghosh, S Roy
Crystal Growth & Design 18 (7), 4068-4075, 2018
Probing intrinsic anisotropies of fluorescence: Mueller matrix approach
S Saha, J Soni, S Chandel, N Ghosh, U Kumar
Journal of biomedical optics 20 (8), 085005, 2015
Development and eigenvalue calibration of an automated spectral Mueller matrix system for biomedical polarimetry
H Purwar, J Soni, H Lakhotia, S Chandel, C Banerjee, N Ghosh
Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering VI 8230, 156-169, 2012
Tunable Spin dependent beam shift by simultaneously tailoring geometric and dynamical phases of light in inhomogeneous anisotropic medium
NG Mandira Pal, Chitram Banerjee, Shubham Chandel, Ankan Bag, Shovan K. Majumder
Scientific Reports 6 (srep/39582), 2016
Visualizing phase transition behavior of dilute stimuli responsive polymer solutions via mueller matrix polarimetry
A Narayanan, S Chandel, N Ghosh, P De
Analytical chemistry 87 (18), 9120-9125, 2015
A study of CdS and Ag doped CdS prepared through CBD technique
S Chandel, PR Ajan, AJ Vallamattom, VPN Nampoori, P Radhakrishnan
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, M3A. 6, 2012
Mueller matrix polarimetry in fluorescence scattering from biological tissues
J Soni, S Chandel, J Jagtap, A Pradhan, N Ghosh
Frontiers in Optics, FW5A. 3, 2013
Controlling Fano resonances using the geometrical phase of light in spatially tailored waveguided plasmonic crystals
SK Ray, AK Singh, Ajmal, S Chandel, P Mitra, N Ghosh
Physical Review A 100 (3), 033805, 2019
Mueller matrix spectroscopy of fano resonance in plasmonic oligomers
S Chandel, AK Singh, A Agrawal, KA Aneeth, A Gupta, A Venugopal, ...
Optics Communications 432, 84-90, 2019
Optically tunable engineered macromolecular fluorescent material analyzed using optical parameters
R Kumar, N Kumar, S Chandel, A Tiwari, N Ghosh, R Shunmugam
Polymers for Advanced Technologies 34 (4), 1307-1314, 2023
Functional Polymer Material with Efficient Optical Tunability
R Kumar, N Kumar, S Chandel, A Tiwari, A Bag, P Kumar Ghorai, ...
ChemistrySelect 8 (29), e202302213, 2023
Quantitative Plasmon Polarimetry and Spin Optical Effects in Plasmonics
NG Shubham Chandel , Ankit K. Singh, , Angad Gupta , Subir K. Ray , Jalpa ...
Current Nanomaterials 2 (3), 2017
Giant spin hall effect of light in an exotic optical system
A Bag, S Chandel, C Banerjee, D Saha, M Pal, A Banerjee, N Ghosh
Nanophotonics V 9126, 340-346, 2014
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