David Lusch
David Lusch
Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University
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Multiple methods in the study of driving forces of land use and land cover change: a case study of SE Kajiado District, Kenya
DJ Campbell, DP Lusch, TA Smucker, EE Wangui
Human Ecology 33, 763-794, 2005
Supervised classification of types of glaciated landscapes using digital elevation data
DG Brown, DP Lusch, KA Duda
Geomorphology 21 (3-4), 233-250, 1998
Optimal classification methods for mapping agricultural tillage practices
S South, J Qi, DP Lusch
Remote Sensing of Environment 91 (1), 90-97, 2004
Identifying optimal spectral bands from in situ measurements of Great Lakes coastal wetlands using second-derivative analysis
BL Becker, DP Lusch, J Qi
Remote sensing of environment 97 (2), 238-248, 2005
Integrating diverse methods to understand climate–land interactions in East Africa
JM Olson, G Alagarswamy, JA Andresen, DJ Campbell, AY Davis, J Ge, ...
Geoforum 39 (2), 898-911, 2008
A classification-based assessment of the optimal spectral and spatial resolutions for Great Lakes coastal wetland imagery
BL Becker, DP Lusch, J Qi
Remote Sensing of Environment 108 (1), 111-120, 2007
Variation in overstory biomass among glacial landforms and ecological land units in northwestern Lower Michigan
GE Host, KS Pregitzer, CW Ramm, DP Lusch, DT Cleland
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 18 (6), 659-668, 1988
A dynamic species distribution model of Glossina subgenus Morsitans: The identification of tsetse reservoirs and refugia
MH Visser, JP Messina, NJ Moore, DP Lusch, J Maitima
Wiley, 2010
Root causes of land use change in the Loitokitok Area, Kajiado District, Kenya
DJ Campbell, DP Lusch, TA Smucker, EE Wangui
ILRI, 2003
Effects of winter temperatures on gypsy moth egg masses in the Great Lakes region of the United States
JA Andresen, DG McCullough, BE Potter, CN Koller, LS Bauer, DP Lusch, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 110 (2), 85-100, 2001
Introduction to microwave remote sensing
DP Lusch
Center for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science Michigan State …, 1999
Mapping the physiography of Michigan with GIS
RJ Schaetzl, H Enander, MD Luehmann, DP Lusch, C Fish, M Bigsby, ...
Physical Geography 34 (1), 2-39, 2013
Characterization and mapping of patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowlands, Michigan: possible evidence for Late-Wisconsin permafrost
DP Lusch, KE Stanley, RJ Schaetzl, AD Kendall, RL Van Dam, A Nielsen, ...
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 99 (3), 445-466, 2009
Accounting for positional uncertainty in historical shoreline change analysis without ground reference information
P Wernette, A Shortridge, DP Lusch, AF Arbogast
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (13), 3906-3922, 2017
Developing land use/land cover parameterization for climate–land modelling in East Africa
N Torbick, D Lusch, J Qi, N Moore, J Olson, J Ge
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (19), 4227-4244, 2006
Proportions of bird damage in tree fruits are higher in low-fruit-abundance contexts
CA Lindell, KMM Steensma, PD Curtis, JR Boulanger, JE Carroll, ...
Crop Protection 90, 40-48, 2016
The physical landscape: A glacial legacy
WL Blewett, DP Lusch, RJ Schaetzl
Michigan geology and geography. Edited by RJ Schaetzl, JT Darden, and D …, 2009
Spatial analysis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Michigan, USA
RA Miller, JB Kaneene, SM Schmitt, DP Lusch, SD Fitzgerald
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 82 (1-2), 111-122, 2007
Land use change patterns and root causes in the Loitokitok Area, Kajiado District, Kenya
DJ Campbell, DP Lusch, T Smucker, EE Wangui
International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, 2003
The precision revolution: The Navstar global positioning system in the second Gulf War
MR Rip, DP Lusch
Intelligence and National Security 9 (2), 167-241, 1994
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