Chunmei Chen (陈春梅)
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Properties of Fe-organic matter associations via coprecipitation versus adsorption
C Chen, JJ Dynes, J Wang, DL Sparks
Environmental science & technology 48 (23), 13751-13759, 2014
Soil organic carbon stocks in China and changes from 1980s to 2000s
Z Xie, J Zhu, G Liu, G Cadisch, T Hasegawa, C Chen, H Sun, H Tang, ...
Global Change Biology 13 (9), 1989-2007, 2007
Iron-mediated organic matter decomposition in humid soils can counteract protection
C Chen, SJ Hall, E Coward, A Thompson
Nature communications 11 (1), 2255, 2020
Influence of Coprecipitated Organic Matter on Fe2+(aq)-Catalyzed Transformation of Ferrihydrite: Implications for Carbon Dynamics
C Chen, R Kukkadapu, DL Sparks
Environmental Science & Technology 49 (18), 10927-10936, 2015
Coupled iron cycling and organic matter transformation across redox interfaces
H Dong, Q Zeng, Y Sheng, C Chen, G Yu, A Kappler
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 4 (9), 659-673, 2023
Dissimilatory microbial iron reduction release DOC (dissolved organic carbon) from carbon-ferrihydrite association
W Pan, J Kan, S Inamdar, C Chen, D Sparks
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 103, 232-240, 2016
Contaminant degradation by• OH during sediment oxygenation: dependence on Fe (II) species
W Xie, S Yuan, M Tong, S Ma, W Liao, N Zhang, C Chen
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (5), 2975-2984, 2020
Soft X-ray spectromicroscopy study of mineral-organic matter associations in pasture soil clay fractions
C Chen, JJ Dynes, J Wang, C Karunakaran, DL Sparks
Environmental science & technology 48 (12), 6678-6686, 2014
Ferrous Iron Oxidation under Varying pO2 Levels: The Effect of Fe(III)/Al(III) Oxide Minerals and Organic Matter
C Chen, A Thompson
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (2), 597-606, 2018
Distribution, sources, and decomposition of soil organic matter along a salinity gradient in estuarine wetlands characterized by C:N ratio, δ13C‐δ15N, and lignin …
S Xia, Z Song, Q Li, L Guo, C Yu, BP Singh, X Fu, C Chen, Y Wang, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (2), 417-434, 2021
Influence of pO2 on Iron Redox Cycling and Anaerobic Organic Carbon Mineralization in a Humid Tropical Forest Soil
C Chen, C Meile, J Wilmoth, D Barcellos, A Thompson
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (14), 7709-7719, 2018
Active iron phases regulate the abiotic transformation of organic carbon during redox fluctuation cycles of paddy soil
N Chen, Q Fu, T Wu, P Cui, G Fang, C Liu, C Chen, G Liu, W Wang, ...
Environmental science & technology 55 (20), 14281-14293, 2021
Solid-phase Fe speciation along the vertical redox gradients in floodplains using XAS and Mossbauer spectroscopies
C Chen, RK Kukkadapu, O Lazareva, DL Sparks
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (14), 7903-7912, 2017
The influence of native soil organic matter and minerals on ferrous iron oxidation
C Chen, A Thompson
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 292, 254-270, 2021
Fe (II)-induced mineral transformation of ferrihydrite–organic matter adsorption and co-precipitation complexes in the absence and presence of As (III)
C Chen, DL Sparks
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2 (11), 1095-1101, 2018
Redoximorphic Bt horizons of the Calhoun CZO soils exhibit depth-dependent iron-oxide crystallinity
C Chen, D Barcellos, DD Richter, PA Schroeder, A Thompson
Journal of Soils and Sediments 19, 785-797, 2019
Multi-elemental scanning transmission X-ray microscopy–near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy assessment of organo–mineral associations in soils from reduced …
C Chen, DL Sparks
Environmental Chemistry 12 (1), 64-73, 2015
Labile Fe (III) supersaturation controls nucleation and properties of product phases from Fe (II)-catalyzed ferrihydrite transformation
A Sheng, J Liu, X Li, L Luo, Y Ding, C Chen, X Zhang, C Wang, KM Rosso
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 309, 272-285, 2021
An iron-dependent burst of hydroxyl radicals stimulates straw decomposition and CO2 emission from soil hotspots: Consequences of Fenton or Fenton-like reactions
HY Du, CM Chen, GH Yu, ML Polizzotto, FS Sun, Y Kuzyakov
Geoderma 375, 114512, 2020
Unexpected bulk density and microstructures response to long-term pig manure application in a Ferralic Cambisol Soil: Implications for rebuilding a healthy soil
GH Yu, CM Chen, XH He, XZ Zhang, LN Li
Soil and Tillage Research 203, 104668, 2020
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