Lothar Eysn, PhD
Lothar Eysn, PhD
Vienna City Administration - Municipal Department 41 - Surveying and Mapping - Innovation and IT
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Zitiert von
A benchmark of lidar-based single tree detection methods using heterogeneous forest data from the alpine space
L Eysn, M Hollaus, E Lindberg, F Berger, JM Monnet, M Dalponte, ...
Forests 6 (5), 1721-1747, 2015
Forest delineation based on airborne LIDAR data
L Eysn, M Hollaus, K Schadauer, N Pfeifer
Remote Sensing 4 (3), 762-783, 2012
Delineation of tree crowns and tree species classification from full-waveform airborne laser scanning data using 3-D ellipsoidal clustering
E Lindberg, L Eysn, M Hollaus, J Holmgren, N Pfeifer
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2014
A practical approach for extracting tree models in forest environments based on equirectangular projections of terrestrial laser scans
L Eysn, N Pfeifer, C Ressl, M Hollaus, A Grafl, F Morsdorf
Remote Sensing 5 (11), 5424-5448, 2013
A benchmark of lidar-based single tree detection methods using heterogeneous forest data from the Alpine Space, Forests, 6, 1721–1747
L Eysn, M Hollaus, E Lindberg, F Berger, JM Monnet, M Dalponte, ...
Project INDIGO–Document, disseminate & analyse a graffiti-scape
G Verhoeven, B Wild, J Schlegel, M Wieser, N Pfeifer, S Wogrin, L Eysn, ...
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2022
Site index assessment based on multi-temporal ALS data
M Hollaus, L Eysn, B Maier, N Pfeifer
Proceedings of the Silvilaser, 2015
Adapting alpha-shapes for forest delineation using ALS Data
L Eysn, M Hollaus, M Vetter, W Mücke, N Pfeifer, B Regner
Proceedings of 10th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for …, 2010
Crown coverage calculation based on ALS data
L Eysn, M Hollaus, K Schadauer, A Roncat
Proceedings of 11th International Conference on LiDAR Applications for …, 2011
Growing stock change estimation using airborne laser scanning data
M Hollaus, L Eysn, W Karel, N Pfeifer
Proceedings of SilviLaser 2013, 2013
Test charts for evaluating imaging and point cloud quality of mobile mapping systems for urban street space acquisition
N Pfeifer, J Falkner, A Bayr, L Eysn, C Ressl
Remote Sensing 13 (2), 237, 2021
NEWFOR—Single Tree Detection Benchmark—Report
L Eysn, M Hollaus, JM Monnet, M Dalponte, M Kobal, M Pellegrini, ...
NEWFOR: Wien, Austria, 87, 2014
Forest structure and stem volume assessment based on airborne laser scanning Avaliação da estrutura florestal e do volume de madeira a partir de laser aerotransportado
M Hollaus, W Mücke, L Eysn
Ambiência 8 (4), 471-482, 2012
Modeling the tree branch structure at very high resolution
M Milenkovi, L Eysn, M Hollaus, W Karel, N Pfeifer
Silvilaser 2012, 2012
Kappazunder—Ein Mobile Mapping Tool als Lösung für Fragestellungen der Verwaltung im öffentlichen Raum
J Falkner, L Eysn
Proceedings of the 39th Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF eV …, 2019
Forest logistic planning strategies
F Berger, S Dupire, JM Monnet, E Hainzer, D Stoehr, N Nemestóthy, ...
Good practices for the Alpine forests, 111, 2014
Waldlückenerfassung aus ALS Daten mittels α-Shapes
L Eysn, M Hollaus, W Mücke, M Vetter, N Pfeifer
Dreiländertagung-30. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, 552-560, 2010
LASER-WOOD: Estimation of the above ground biomass based on laser scanning and forest inventory data
M Hollaus, L Eysn, K Schadauer, A Jochem, F PETRINI, B Maier
Poster presentation at „11. Österreichischer Klimatag, 2010
Alpine Forest Biomass Localization based on LiDAR Data: Results of the NEWFOR Project
M Hollaus, L Eysn, F Berger
Proceedings, 6, 2015
Detektion von Veränderungen im Wald mit multitemporaler 3D-Information aus Airborne Laser Scanning und Stereophotogrammetrie
M Hollaus, L Eysn, K Schadauer, C Bauerhansl
Der gepixelte Wald-Reloaded, 111-122, 2015
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