A comparative economic analysis of two seaweed farming methods in Tanzania FE Msuya, MS Shalli, K Sullivan, B Crawford, J Tobey, AJ Mmochi The Sustainable Coastal Communities and Ecosystems Program. Coastal …, 2007 | 64 | 2007 |
Community perceptions of mangrove ecosystem services and their determinants in the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania BP Nyangoko, H Berg, MM Mangora, M Gullström, MS Shalli Sustainability 13 (1), 63, 2020 | 62 | 2020 |
Local perceptions of changes in mangrove ecosystem services and their implications for livelihoods and management in the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania BP Nyangoko, H Berg, MM Mangora, MS Shalli, M Gullström Ocean & Coastal Management 219, 106065, 2022 | 48 | 2022 |
Community perceptions of climate change and ecosystem-based adaptation in the mangrove ecosystem of the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania BP Nyangoko, H Berg, MM Mangora, MS Shalli, M Gullström Climate and Development 14 (10), 896-908, 2022 | 38 | 2022 |
Customs and taboos: The role of indigenous knowledge in the management of fish stocks and coral reefs in Tanzania DCP Masalu, MS Shalli, RA Kitula Coral reef targeted research, World Bank/GEF and Institute of Marine …, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
Mangroves of Tanzania MM Mangora, BR Lugendo, MS Shalli, S Semesi Mangroves of the Western Indian Ocean: status and management, 33-49, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Livelihoods of coastal communities in mnazi bay-ruvuma estuary marine park, Tanzania MM Mangora, MS Shalli, DJ Msangameno Vulnerability of agriculture, water and fisheries to climate change: Toward …, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |
Variability of mackerel fish catch and remotely-sensed biophysical controls in the eastern Pemba Channel HJ Kizenga, F Jebri, Y Shaghude, DE Raitsos, M Srokosz, ZL Jacobs, ... Ocean & Coastal Management 207, 105593, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Coastal community’s perceptions on the role of seagrass ecosystems for coastal protection and implications for management M Amone-Mabuto, M Mubai, S Bandeira, MS Shalli, JB Adams, ... Ocean & coastal management 244, 106811, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
The role of local taboos in the management of marine fisheries resources in Tanzania MS Shalli Marine Policy 85, 71-78, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Shoreline change in Tanzania and Kenya: Manual for assessment and design of mitigation strategies YW Shaghude, JW Mburu, RS Arthurton, A Dubi, S Gachuiri, J Kangwe, ... WIOMSA Book Series, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Incentives and disincentives of mangrove conservation on local livelihoods in the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania LN Ntibona, MS Shalli, MM Mangora Trees, Forests and People 10, 100326, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
The silos of natural resource governance: implications of sector-led coastal management at the village level in Kenya and Zanzibar-Tanzania F Nunan, MA Omondi, AY Nchimbi, MM Mangora, JG Kairo, MS Shalli, ... Conservation and Society 18 (2), 148-160, 2020 | 10 | 2020 |
Sacred mangrove forests: who bears the pride? MM Mangora, MS Shalli Science, Policy and Politics of Modern Agricultural System: Global Context …, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
An assessment of legal and institutional framework for effective management of marine managed areas in Tanzania B McLean, AN Hikmany, M Mangora, M Shalli Zanzibar Report. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Marine Conservation Unit, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
A Comparative Analysis of the SocioEconomics of Seaweed Farming in Two Villages along the Mainland Coast of Tanzania B Crawford, MS Shalli Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, 2007 | 10 | 2007 |
Tanzania biodiversity threats assessment: Biodiversity threats and management opportunities for Fumba, Bagamoyo, and Mkuranga E Torell, M Shalli, J Francis, B Kalangahe, R Munubi University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, 1-47, 2007 | 9 | 2007 |
Designing a mangrove research and demonstration forest in the rufiji delta, Tanzania MM Mangora, MS Shalli, IS Semesi, MA Njana, EJ Mwainunu, JE Otieno, ... In: Stringer, Christina E.; Krauss, Ken W.; Latimer, James S., eds. 2016 …, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Socioeconomic determinants of mangrove exploitation and management in the Pangani River Estuary, Tanzania BP Nyangoko, MS Shalli, MM Mangora, M Gullström, H Berg Ecology and Society 27 (2), 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Socio-economic profiles of communities adjacent to Tanga Marine Reserve Systems, Tanzania: key ingredients to general management planning MM Mangora, MS Shalli Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 4 (2), 141-149, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |