Mwanahija S. Shalli
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Zitiert von
A comparative economic analysis of two seaweed farming methods in Tanzania
FE Msuya, MS Shalli, K Sullivan, B Crawford, J Tobey, AJ Mmochi
The Sustainable Coastal Communities and Ecosystems Program. Coastal …, 2007
Community perceptions of mangrove ecosystem services and their determinants in the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania
BP Nyangoko, H Berg, MM Mangora, M Gullström, MS Shalli
Sustainability 13 (1), 63, 2020
Local perceptions of changes in mangrove ecosystem services and their implications for livelihoods and management in the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania
BP Nyangoko, H Berg, MM Mangora, MS Shalli, M Gullström
Ocean & Coastal Management 219, 106065, 2022
Community perceptions of climate change and ecosystem-based adaptation in the mangrove ecosystem of the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania
BP Nyangoko, H Berg, MM Mangora, MS Shalli, M Gullström
Climate and Development 14 (10), 896-908, 2022
Customs and taboos: The role of indigenous knowledge in the management of fish stocks and coral reefs in Tanzania
DCP Masalu, MS Shalli, RA Kitula
Coral reef targeted research, World Bank/GEF and Institute of Marine …, 2010
Mangroves of Tanzania
MM Mangora, BR Lugendo, MS Shalli, S Semesi
Mangroves of the Western Indian Ocean: status and management, 33-49, 2016
Livelihoods of coastal communities in mnazi bay-ruvuma estuary marine park, Tanzania
MM Mangora, MS Shalli, DJ Msangameno
Vulnerability of agriculture, water and fisheries to climate change: Toward …, 2014
Variability of mackerel fish catch and remotely-sensed biophysical controls in the eastern Pemba Channel
HJ Kizenga, F Jebri, Y Shaghude, DE Raitsos, M Srokosz, ZL Jacobs, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 207, 105593, 2021
Coastal community’s perceptions on the role of seagrass ecosystems for coastal protection and implications for management
M Amone-Mabuto, M Mubai, S Bandeira, MS Shalli, JB Adams, ...
Ocean & coastal management 244, 106811, 2023
The role of local taboos in the management of marine fisheries resources in Tanzania
MS Shalli
Marine Policy 85, 71-78, 2017
Shoreline change in Tanzania and Kenya: Manual for assessment and design of mitigation strategies
YW Shaghude, JW Mburu, RS Arthurton, A Dubi, S Gachuiri, J Kangwe, ...
WIOMSA Book Series, 2015
Incentives and disincentives of mangrove conservation on local livelihoods in the Rufiji Delta, Tanzania
LN Ntibona, MS Shalli, MM Mangora
Trees, Forests and People 10, 100326, 2022
The silos of natural resource governance: implications of sector-led coastal management at the village level in Kenya and Zanzibar-Tanzania
F Nunan, MA Omondi, AY Nchimbi, MM Mangora, JG Kairo, MS Shalli, ...
Conservation and Society 18 (2), 148-160, 2020
Sacred mangrove forests: who bears the pride?
MM Mangora, MS Shalli
Science, Policy and Politics of Modern Agricultural System: Global Context …, 2014
An assessment of legal and institutional framework for effective management of marine managed areas in Tanzania
B McLean, AN Hikmany, M Mangora, M Shalli
Zanzibar Report. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Marine Conservation Unit, 2012
A Comparative Analysis of the SocioEconomics of Seaweed Farming in Two Villages along the Mainland Coast of Tanzania
B Crawford, MS Shalli
Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, 2007
Tanzania biodiversity threats assessment: Biodiversity threats and management opportunities for Fumba, Bagamoyo, and Mkuranga
E Torell, M Shalli, J Francis, B Kalangahe, R Munubi
University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, 1-47, 2007
Designing a mangrove research and demonstration forest in the rufiji delta, Tanzania
MM Mangora, MS Shalli, IS Semesi, MA Njana, EJ Mwainunu, JE Otieno, ...
In: Stringer, Christina E.; Krauss, Ken W.; Latimer, James S., eds. 2016 …, 2016
Socioeconomic determinants of mangrove exploitation and management in the Pangani River Estuary, Tanzania
BP Nyangoko, MS Shalli, MM Mangora, M Gullström, H Berg
Ecology and Society 27 (2), 2022
Socio-economic profiles of communities adjacent to Tanga Marine Reserve Systems, Tanzania: key ingredients to general management planning
MM Mangora, MS Shalli
Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 4 (2), 141-149, 2012
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