Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - David Giraldo Montoya HolgadoWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 38
Using Learning Analytics to improve teamwork assessment
Á Fidalgo-Blanco, ML Sein-Echaluce, FJ García-Peñalvo, MÁ Conde
Computers in Human Behavior 47, 149-156, 2015
Mandate: Government of Spain
An evolving Learning Management System for new educational environments using 2.0 tools
MÁ Conde, FJ García-Peñalvo, MJ Rodríguez-Conde, M Alier, MJ Casany, ...
Interactive learning environments 22 (2), 188-204, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
Knowledge co-creation process based on informal learning competences tagging and recognition
FJ García-Peñalvo, MÁ Conde, M Johnson, M Alier
International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology …, 2013
Mandate: Government of Spain
Cooperative micro flip teaching
FJ García-Peñalvo, Á Fidalgo-Blanco, ML Sein-Echaluce, MÁ Conde
Learning and Collaboration Technologies: Third International Conference, LCT …, 2016
Mandate: Government of Spain
European proposals to work in the gender gap in STEM: A systematic analysis
A García-Holgado, S Verdugo-Castro, C González, MC Sánchez-Gómez, ...
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 15 (3), 215-224, 2020
Mandate: Government of Spain
Trends in studies developed in Europe focused on the gender gap in STEM
A García-Holgado, S Verdugo-Castro, MC Sánchez-Gómez, ...
Proceedings of the XX international conference on human computer interaction …, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
Mobile learning adoption from informal into formal: an extended TAM model to measure mobile acceptance among teachers
JCS Prieto, SO Migueláñez, FJ García-Peñalvo
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological …, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
Psychiatric patients tracking through a private social network for relatives: development and pilot study
FJ García-Peñalvo, MF Martín, A García-Holgado, JMT Guzmán, JL Antón, ...
Journal of Medical Systems 40, 1-7, 2016
Mandate: Government of Spain
ICTs integration in education: mobile learning and the technology acceptance model (TAM)
JCS Prieto, SO Migueláñez, FJ García-Peñalvo
Proceedings of the second international conference on technological …, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
Interoperability scenarios to measure informal learning carried out in PLEs
MA Conde, FJ Garcia-Penalvo, M Alier
2011 Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and …, 2011
Mandate: Government of Spain
Adaptive assessments using open specifications
HB Leon, FJ García-Peñalvo, MJ Rodriguez-Conde, EM Morales, ...
International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) 10 (4), 56-71, 2012
Mandate: Government of Spain
Actions to promote diversity in engineering studies: A case study in a computer science degree
A Garcia-Holgado, A Vázquez-Ingelmo, S Verdugo-Castro, C González, ...
2019 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 793-800, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
Integration of the methods CBL and CBI for their application in the management of cooperative academic resources
Á Fidalgo-Blanco, ML Sein-Echaluce, FJ García-Peñalvo
2016 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), 1-6, 2016
Mandate: Government of Spain
Learning content management systems for the definition of adaptive learning environments
Á Fidalgo-Blanco, FJ García-Peñalvo, ML Sein-Echaluce, ...
2014 International symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), 105-110, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
Learning analytics in Ecuador: a systematic review supported by statistical implicative analysis
R Pazmiño-Maji, MÁ Conde, F García-Peñalvo
Universal Access in the Information Society 20, 495-512, 2021
Mandate: Government of Spain
Personal data broker: A solution to assure data privacy in EdTech
D Amo, D Fonseca, M Alier, FJ García-Peñalvo, MJ Casañ, M Alsina
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Designing Learning Experiences: 6th …, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
An overview of passive students’ characteristics
Á Fidalgo-Blanco, ML Sein-Echaluce, FJ García Peñalvo
Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing …, 2021
Mandate: Government of Spain
Bringing machine learning closer to non-experts: proposal of a user-friendly machine learning tool in the healthcare domain
A Vázquez-Ingelmo, J Alonso-Sánchez, A García-Holgado, ...
Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing …, 2021
Mandate: Government of Spain
Design and development of a learning analytics system to evaluate group work competence
Á Fidalgo, MÁ Conde, M Sein-Echaluce, FJ García-Peñalvo
2014 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 1-6, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
Mobile personal learning applied to a software engineering subject
MÁC González, FJ Garcia-Penalvo
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje 9 (3), 114-121, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
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