Daniel Sonntag
Daniel Sonntag
DFKI and University of Oldenburg
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DOLCE ergo SUMO: On foundational and domain models in the SmartWeb Integrated Ontology (SWIntO)
D Oberle, A Ankolekar, P Hitzler, P Cimiano, M Sintek, M Kiesel, ...
Journal of Web Semantics 5 (3), 156-174, 2007
ARETT: augmented reality eye tracking toolkit for head mounted displays
S Kapp, M Barz, S Mukhametov, D Sonntag, J Kuhn
Sensors 21 (6), 2234, 2021
Linginfo: Design and applications of a model for the integration of linguistic information in ontologies
P Buitelaar, T Declerck, A Frank, S Racioppa, M Kiesel, M Sintek, R Engel, ...
Proceedings of the OntoLex Workshop at LREC, 2006
The handbook of multimodal-multisensor interfaces, volume 1: Foundations, user modeling, and common modality combinations
S Oviatt, B Schuller, P Cohen, D Sonntag, G Potamianos
Morgan & Claypool, 2017
SmartWeb handheld—multimodal interaction with ontological knowledge bases and semantic web services
D Sonntag, R Engel, G Herzog, A Pfalzgraf, N Pfleger, M Romanelli, ...
Artifical Intelligence for Human Computing: ICMI 2006 and IJCAI 2007 …, 2007
ModulAR: Eye-controlled vision augmentations for head mounted displays
J Orlosky, T Toyama, K Kiyokawa, D Sonntag
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 21 (11), 1259-1268, 2015
Overview of the CPS for smart factories project: Deep learning, knowledge acquisition, anomaly detection and intelligent user interfaces
D Sonntag, S Zillner, P van der Smagt, A Lörincz
Industrial internet of things: Cybermanufacturing systems, 487-504, 2016
A mixed reality head-mounted text translation system using eye gaze input
T Toyama, D Sonntag, A Dengel, T Matsuda, M Iwamura, K Kise
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Intelligent User …, 2014
A look under the hood: design and development of the first smartweb system demonstrator
N Reithinger, S Bergweiler, R Engel, G Herzog, N Pfleger, M Romanelli, ...
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Multimodal interfaces …, 2005
Human gaze and focus-of-attention in dual reality human-robot collaboration
MM Moniri, FAE Valcarcel, D Merkel, D Sonntag
2016 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE), 238-241, 2016
Lvm-med: Learning large-scale self-supervised vision models for medical imaging via second-order graph matching
D MH Nguyen, H Nguyen, N Diep, TN Pham, T Cao, B Nguyen, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 27922-27950, 2023
On the overlap between grad-cam saliency maps and explainable visual features in skin cancer images
F Nunnari, MA Kadir, D Sonntag
International cross-domain conference for machine learning and knowledge …, 2021
Lmgp: Lifted multicut meets geometry projections for multi-camera multi-object tracking
DMH Nguyen, R Henschel, B Rosenhahn, D Sonntag, P Swoboda
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
The clinical data intelligence project: A smart data initiative
D Sonntag, V Tresp, S Zillner, A Cavallaro, M Hammon, A Reis, ...
Informatik-Spektrum 39, 290-300, 2016
An integration framework for a mobile multimodal dialogue system accessing the semantic web.
N Reithinger, D Sonntag
INTERSPEECH, 841-844, 2005
The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces: Signal Processing, Architectures, and Detection of Emotion and Cognition-Volume 2
S Oviatt, B Schuller, PR Cohen, D Sonntag, G Potamianos, A Krüger
Association for Computing Machinery and Morgan & Claypool, 2018
Halo content: Context-aware viewspace management for non-invasive augmented reality
J Orlosky, K Kiyokawa, T Toyama, D Sonntag
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Intelligent User …, 2015
Attention engagement and cognitive state analysis for augmented reality text display functions
T Toyama, D Sonntag, J Orlosky, K Kiyokawa
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2015
Ontologies and adaptivity in dialogue for question answering
D Sonntag
IOS Press, 2010
Assessing the quality of natural language text data
D Sonntag
Informatik 2004–Informatik verbindet–Band 1, Beiträge der 34. Jahrestagung …, 2004
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