Ling-Chia Chen
Ling-Chia Chen
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Association of concurrent fNIRS and EEG signatures in response to auditory and visual stimuli
LC Chen, P Sandmann, JD Thorne, CS Herrmann, S Debener
Brain topography 28 (5), 710-725, 2015
Cortical reorganization in postlingually deaf cochlear implant users: Intra-modal and cross-modal considerations
M Stropahl, LC Chen, S Debener
Hearing Research 343, 128-137, 2017
Cross-modal functional reorganization of visual and auditory cortex in adult cochlear implant users identified with fNIRS
LC Chen, P Sandmann, JD Thorne, MG Bleichner, S Debener
Neural plasticity 2016, 2016
Cortical and subcortical coordination of visual spatial attention revealed by simultaneous EEG–fMRI recording
JJ Green, CN Boehler, KC Roberts, LC Chen, RM Krebs, AW Song, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (33), 7803-7810, 2017
Simultaneous EEG-fNIRS reveals how age and feedback affect motor imagery signatures
C Zich, S Debener, AK Thoene, LC Chen, C Kranczioch
Neurobiology of Aging 49, 183-197, 2017
The role of stimulus salience and attentional capture across the neural hierarchy in a stop-signal task
CN Boehler, LG Appelbaum, RM Krebs, LC Chen, MG Woldorff, ...
PloS one 6 (10), 2011
Enhanced visual adaptation in cochlear implant users revealed by concurrent EEG-fNIRS
LC Chen, M Stropahl, M Schönwiesner, S Debener
NeuroImage 146, 600-608, 2017
Increased cross-modal functional connectivity in cochlear implant users
LC Chen, S Puschmann, S Debener
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 10043, 2017
Cortical plasticity in cochlear implant users
LC Chen
University of Oldenburg, 2016
Lateralization patterns for movement execution and imagination investigated with concurrent EEG-fMRI and EEG-fNIRS
C Zich, S Debener, C Kranczioch, LC Chen, M De Vos
Proceedings of the Sixth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting, 2016
FV 10. Motor imagery supported by neurofeedback: Age-related changes in EEG and fNIRS lateralization patterns
C Zich, S Debener, LC Chen, C Kranczioch
Clinical Neurophysiology 127 (9), e215, 2016
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