Bernard Hanseeuw
Bernard Hanseeuw
Harvard Medical School and University of Louvain
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Association of amyloid and tau with cognition in preclinical Alzheimer disease: a longitudinal study
BJ Hanseeuw, RA Betensky, HIL Jacobs, AP Schultz, J Sepulcre, ...
JAMA neurology 76 (8), 915-924, 2019
Defining face perception areas in the human brain: a large-scale factorial fMRI face localizer analysis
B Rossion, B Hanseeuw, L Dricot
Brain and cognition 79 (2), 138-157, 2012
Longitudinal association of amyloid beta and anxious-depressive symptoms in cognitively normal older adults
NJ Donovan, JJ Locascio, GA Marshall, J Gatchel, BJ Hanseeuw, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 175 (6), 530-537, 2018
Phases of hyperconnectivity and hypoconnectivity in the default mode and salience networks track with amyloid and tau in clinically normal individuals
AP Schultz, JP Chhatwal, T Hedden, EC Mormino, BJ Hanseeuw, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (16), 4323-4331, 2017
Sex differences in the association of global amyloid and regional tau deposition measured by positron emission tomography in clinically normal older adults
RF Buckley, EC Mormino, JS Rabin, TJ Hohman, S Landau, ...
JAMA neurology 76 (5), 542-551, 2019
The impact of amyloid‐beta and tau on prospective cognitive decline in older individuals
RA Sperling, EC Mormino, AP Schultz, RA Betensky, KV Papp, ...
Annals of neurology 85 (2), 181-193, 2019
Sex, amyloid, and APOE ε4 and risk of cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: Findings from three well-characterized cohorts
RF Buckley, EC Mormino, RE Amariglio, MJ Properzi, JS Rabin, YY Lim, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 14 (9), 1193-1203, 2018
Immune-mediated neurological syndromes in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients
A Guilmot, S Maldonado Slootjes, A Sellimi, M Bronchain, B Hanseeuw, ...
Journal of neurology 268, 751-757, 2021
Early and late change on the preclinical Alzheimer's cognitive composite in clinically normal older individuals with elevated amyloid β
EC Mormino, KV Papp, DM Rentz, MC Donohue, R Amariglio, YT Quiroz, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 13 (9), 1004-1012, 2017
Region-specific association of subjective cognitive decline with tauopathy independent of global β-amyloid burden
RF Buckley, B Hanseeuw, AP Schultz, P Vannini, SL Aghjayan, ...
JAMA neurology 74 (12), 1455-1463, 2017
Neurogenetic contributions to amyloid beta and tau spreading in the human cortex
J Sepulcre, MJ Grothe, F d’Oleire Uquillas, L Ortiz-Terán, I Diez, HS Yang, ...
Nature medicine 24 (12), 1910-1918, 2018
Intravenous alteplase for stroke with unknown time of onset guided by advanced imaging: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data
G Thomalla, F Boutitie, H Ma, M Koga, P Ringleb, LH Schwamm, O Wu, ...
The Lancet 396 (10262), 1574-1584, 2020
The cortical origin and initial spread of medial temporal tauopathy in Alzheimer’s disease assessed with positron emission tomography
JS Sanchez, JA Becker, HIL Jacobs, BJ Hanseeuw, S Jiang, AP Schultz, ...
Science translational medicine 13 (577), eabc0655, 2021
Mild cognitive impairment: differential atrophy in the hippocampal subfields
BJ Hanseeuw, K Van Leemput, M Kavec, C Grandin, X Seron, A Ivanoiu
American Journal of Neuroradiology 32 (9), 1658-1661, 2011
Fluorodeoxyglucose metabolism associated with tau‐amyloid interaction predicts memory decline
BJ Hanseeuw, RA Betensky, AP Schultz, KV Papp, EC Mormino, ...
Annals of neurology 81 (4), 583-596, 2017
PET staging of amyloidosis using striatum
BJ Hanseeuw, RA Betensky, EC Mormino, AP Schultz, J Sepulcre, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 14 (10), 1281-1292, 2018
Functional network integrity presages cognitive decline in preclinical Alzheimer disease
RF Buckley, AP Schultz, T Hedden, KV Papp, BJ Hanseeuw, G Marshall, ...
Neurology 89 (1), 29-37, 2017
Cerebral lateralization of face-sensitive areas in left-handers: only the FFA does not get it right
H Bukowski, L Dricot, B Hanseeuw, B Rossion
Cortex 49 (9), 2583-2589, 2013
Sex mediates relationships between regional tau pathology and cognitive decline
RF Buckley, MR Scott, HIL Jacobs, AP Schultz, MJ Properzi, RE Amariglio, ...
Annals of neurology 88 (5), 921-932, 2020
Unmasking selective path integration deficits in Alzheimer’s disease risk carriers
A Bierbrauer, L Kunz, CA Gomes, M Luhmann, L Deuker, S Getzmann, ...
Science advances 6 (35), eaba1394, 2020
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