geert savelsbergh
geert savelsbergh
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Visual search, anticipation and expertise in soccer goalkeepers
GJP Savelsbergh, AM Williams, JVD Kamp, P Ward
Journal of sports sciences 20 (3), 279-287, 2002
Anticipation and visual search behaviour in expert soccer goalkeepers
GJP Savelsbergh, J Van der Kamp, AM Williams, P Ward
Ergonomics 48 (11-14), 1686-1697, 2005
Grasping tau.
GJ Savelsbergh, HT Whiting, RJ Bootsma
Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance 17 (2), 315, 1991
Reflections on mirror therapy: a systematic review of the effect of mirror visual feedback on the brain
FJA Deconinck, ARP Smorenburg, A Benham, A Ledebt, MG Feltham, ...
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 29 (4), 349-361, 2015
Children with cerebral palsy exhibit greater and more regular postural sway than typically developing children
SF Donker, A Ledebt, M Roerdink, GJP Savelsbergh, PJ Beek
Experimental brain research 184, 363-370, 2008
Ventral and dorsal system contributions to visual anticipation in fast ball sports
J Van der Kamp, F Rivas, H Van Doorn, G Savelsbergh
International Journal of Sport Psychology 39 (2), 100, 2008
Quantification of in-season training load relative to match load in professional Dutch Eredivisie football players
TGA Stevens, CJ de Ruiter, JWR Twisk, GJP Savelsbergh, PJ Beek
Science and Medicine in Football 1 (2), 117-125, 2017
Shoot or don't shoot? Why police officers are more inclined to shoot when they are anxious.
A Nieuwenhuys, GJP Savelsbergh, RRD Oudejans
Emotion 12 (4), 827, 2012
A new method to learn to start in speed skating: a differencial learning approach.
GJP Savelsbergh, WJ Kamper, J Rabius, JJ De Koning, W Schöllhorn
International journal of sport psychology 41 (4), 415, 2010
Creative motor actions as emerging from movement variability
D Orth, J Van der Kamp, D Memmert, GJP Savelsbergh
Frontiers in psychology 8, 281868, 2017
Motor learning in practice: A constraints-led approach
I Renshaw, K Davids, GJP Savelsbergh
Routledge, 2010
The effect of equipment scaling on children’s sport performance: the case for tennis
E Timmerman, J De Water, K Kachel, M Reid, D Farrow, G Savelsbergh
Journal of sports sciences 33 (10), 1093-1100, 2015
The athletic skills model: Optimizing talent development through movement education
R Wormhoudt, GJP Savelsbergh, JW Teunissen, K Davids
Routledge, 2017
Measuring acceleration and deceleration in soccer-specific movements using a local position measurement (LPM) system
TGA Stevens, CJ de Ruiter, C van Niel, R van de Rhee, PJ Beek, ...
International journal of sports physiology and performance 9 (3), 446-456, 2014
Differences in gait between children with and without developmental coordination disorder
FJA Deconinck, D De Clercq, GJP Savelsbergh, R Van Coster, A Oostra, ...
Motor control 10 (2), 125-142, 2006
Information in learning to co-ordinate and control movements: Is there a need for specificity of practice?
GJP Savelsbergh, J Van der Kamp
International Journal of Sport Psychology, 2000
Visual timing and adaptive behavior in a road-crossing simulation study
AF Te Velde, J van der Kamp, JA Barela, GJP Savelsbergh
Accident Analysis & Prevention 37 (3), 399-406, 2005
The effect of body orientation to gravity on early infant reaching
GJP Savelsbergh, J van der Kamp
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 58 (3), 510-528, 1994
Multiple information sources in interceptive timing
J van der Kamp, G Savelsbergh, J Smeets
Human Movement Science 16 (6), 787-821, 1997
Balance training with visual feedback in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: effect on stance and gait
A Ledebt, J Becher, J Kapper, RM Rozendaal, R Bakker, IC Leenders, ...
Motor control 9 (4), 459-468, 2005
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