David Taj
David Taj
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Microscopic modeling of energy relaxation and decoherence in quantum optoelectronic devices at the nanoscale
D Taj, RC Iotti, F Rossi
The European Physical Journal B 72, 305-322, 2009
Quantum-transport simulations with the Wigner-function formalism: failure of conventional boundary-condition schemes
D Taj, L Genovese, F Rossi
Europhysics Letters 74 (6), 1060, 2006
Completely positive Markovian quantum dynamics in the weak-coupling limit
D Taj, F Rossi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (5), 052113, 2008
Natural approach to quantum dissipation
D Taj, HC Öttinger
Physical Review A 92 (6), 062128, 2015
Polariton-polariton interaction potentials determination by pump-probe degenerate scattering in a multiple microcavity
T Lecomte, D Taj, A Lemaitre, J Bloch, C Delalande, J Tignon, ...
Physical Review B 89 (15), 155308, 2014
Microscopic theory of energy dissipation and decoherence in solid‐state systems: A reformulation of the conventional Markov limit
M Pepe, D Taj, RC Iotti, F Rossi
physica status solidi (b) 249 (11), 2125-2136, 2012
Interbranch parametric oscillation in the weak coupling regime for semiconductor vertical multimicrocavities
D Taj, T Lecomte, C Diederichs, P Roussignol, C Delalande, J Tignon
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (8), 081308, 2009
Time-driven quantum master equations and their compatibility with the fluctuation dissipation theorem
J Flakowski, M Osmanov, D Taj, HC Öttinger
Physical Review A 90 (4), 042110, 2014
Van Hove limit for infinite systems
D Taj
Annales Henri Poincaré 11, 1303-1339, 2010
Parametric generation of twin photons in vertical triple microcavities
C Diederichs, D Taj, T Lecomte, C Ciuti, P Roussignol, C Delalande, ...
Comptes Rendus Physique 8 (10), 1198-1204, 2007
California set to cash in on British discovery
C Macmillan
Nature 279, 663, 1979
Biexponential decay and ultralong coherence of a qubit
J Flakowski, M Osmanov, D Taj, HC Öttinger
Europhysics Letters 113 (4), 40003, 2016
Quantum non‐locality in systems with open boundaries: From the Wigner‐function formalism to non‐homogeneous Markovian master equations
D Taj, F Rossi
physica status solidi c 5 (1), 66-69, 2008
Transport in quantum devices: modelling contacts in the Wigner formalism
D Taj, L Genovese, F Rossi
physica status solidi c 3 (7), 2419-2422, 2006
Weak-Coupling Limit. IA Contraction Semigroup for Infinite Subsystems
D Taj
arXiv preprint arXiv:0905.1012, 2009
Erratum: Biexponential decay and ultralong coherence of a qubit
J Flakowski, M Osmanov, D Taj, HC Öttinger
Europhysics Letters 116 (4), 49901, 2017
Biexponential decay and ultralong coherence of a qubit (vol 113, 4003, 2016)
J Flakowski, M Osmanov, D Taj, HC Ottinger
EPL 116 (4), 2016
Modular Dynamical Semigroups for Quantum Dissipative Systems
D Taj, HC Öttinger
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02602, 2015
Polarization properties of polariton-polariton parametric interaction in a multiple microcavity
T Lecomte, D Taj, J Tignon, A Lemaitre, J Bloch, C Diederichs, ...
30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS30), 2010
Pump-probe denegerate scattering of polaritons in a multiple microcavity.
T Lecomte, D Taj, J Tignon, A Lemaitre, J Bloch, C Delalande, ...
10th Conference on Physics of Light-Matter coupling in Nanostructures …, 2010
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