Bhanu Prakash D
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Within-host mathematical modeling on crucial inflammatory mediators and drug interventions in COVID-19 identifies combination therapy to be most effective and optimal
B Chhetri, VM Bhagat, DKK Vamsi, VS Ananth, R Mandale, S Muthusamy, ...
Alexandria Engineering Journal 60 (2), 2491-2512, 2021
Age Structured Mathematical Modeling Studies on COVID-19 with respect to Combined Vaccination and Medical Treatment Strategies
B Chhetri, DKK Vamsi, DB Prakash, S Balasubramanian, CB Sanjeevi
Computational and Mathematical Biophysics 10 (1), 281-303, 2022
A study of within-host dynamics of dengue infection incorporating both humoral and cellular response with a time delay for production of antibodies
DSSM Kanumoori, DB Prakash, DKK Vamsi, CB Sanjeevi
Computational and Mathematical Biophysics 9 (1), 66-80, 2021
Control intervention strategies for within-host, between-host and their efficacy in the treatment, spread of covid-19: A multi scale modeling approach
DB Prakash, DKK Vamsi, DB Rajesh, CB Sanjeevi
Computational and Mathematical Biophysics 8 (1), 198-210, 2020
Stochastic optimal and time-optimal control studies for additional food provided prey–predator systems involving Holling type III functional response
DB Prakash, DKK Vamsi
Computational and Mathematical Biophysics 11 (1), 20220144, 2023
Optimal Drug Regimen and Combined Drug Therapy and Its Efficacy in the Treatment of COVID-19: A Within-Host Modeling Study
B Chhetri, VM Bhagat, DKK Vamsi, VS Ananth, B Prakash, S Muthusamy, ...
Acta Biotheoretica 70 (2), 16, 2022
Stochastic time-optimal control and sensitivity studies for additional food provided prey-predator systems involving holling type-iv functional response
DB Prakash, DKK Vamsi
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 9, 1122107, 2023
Low temperatures or high isolation delay increases the average COVID-19 infections in India: A Mathematical modeling approach
DB Prakash, B Chhetri, DKK Vamsi, S Balasubramanian, CB Sanjeevi
Computational and Mathematical Biophysics 9 (1), 146-174, 2021
Global Dynamics and Time-Optimal Control Studies for Additional Food provided Holling Type-III Mutually Interfering Prey-Predator Systems with Applications to Pest Management
DB Prakash, DKK Vamsi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.15458, 2024
Time-Optimal Control Studies for Additional Food provided Prey-Predator Systems involving Holling Type-III and Holling Type-IV Functional Responses
DB Prakash, DKK Vamsi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.13592, 2023
Combined Drug Interventions and its Efficacy in the Reduction of COVID-19 Burden: A Within-Host Modeling Study with reference to HCQ and BCG Vaccination
B Chhetria, DKK Vamsi, B Prakasha, CB Sanjeevib
Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications (ADSA) 16 (1), 369-403, 2021
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