Remi Cozot
Remi Cozot
Professeur des Universités, Université du Littoral
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Using an eye-tracking system to improve camera motions and depth-of-field blur effects in virtual environments
S Hillaire, A Lécuyer, R Cozot, G Casiez
2008 IEEE virtual reality conference, 47-50, 2008
Depth-of-field blur effects for first-person navigation in virtual environments
S Hillaire, A Lécuyer, R Cozot, G Casiez
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and …, 2007
Hybrid approach for fast occlusion processing in computer-generated hologram calculation
A Gilles, P Gioia, R Cozot, L Morin
Applied optics 55 (20), 5459-5470, 2016
Temporal coherency for video tone mapping
R Boitard, K Bouatouch, R Cozot, D Thoreau, A Gruson
Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXV 8499, 113-122, 2012
Computer generated hologram from multiview-plus-depth data considering specular reflections
A Gilles, P Gioia, R Cozot, L Morin
2016 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-6, 2016
Zonal brightness coherency for video tone mapping
R Boitard, R Cozot, D Thoreau, K Bouatouch
Signal Processing: Image Communication 29 (2), 229-246, 2014
Style-aware robust color transfer
H Hristova, O Le Meur, R Cozot, K Bouatouch
Proceedings of the workshop on Computational Aesthetics, 67-77, 2015
Image display algorithms for high‐and low‐dynamic‐range display devices
E Reinhard, T Kunkel, Y Marion, J Brouillat, R Cozot, K Bouatouch
Journal of the Society for Information Display 15 (12), 997-1014, 2007
Tone expansion using lighting style aesthetics
C Bist, R Cozot, G Madec, X Ducloux
Computers & Graphics 62, 77-86, 2017
Design and application of real-time visual attention model for the exploration of 3D virtual environments
S Hillaire, A Lécuyer, T Regia-Corte, R Cozot, J Royan, G Breton
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (3), 356-368, 2011
Survey of temporal brightness artifacts in video tone mapping
R Boitard, R Cozot, D Thoreau, K Bouatouch
HDRi2014-Second international conference and SME workshop on HDR imaging 9, 2014
Quality assessment of HDR/WCG images using HDR uniform color spaces
M Rousselot, O Le Meur, R Cozot, X Ducloux
Journal of Imaging 5 (1), 18, 2019
Measuring quality of omnidirectional high dynamic range content
AF Perrin, C Bist, R Cozot, T Ebrahimi
Applications of digital image processing XL 10396, 202-219, 2017
Impact of temporal coherence-based tone mapping on video compression
R Boitard, D Thoreau, R Cozot, K Bouatouch
21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2013), 1-5, 2013
A real-time visual attention model for predicting gaze point during first-person exploration of virtual environments
S Hillaire, A Lecuyer, T Regia-Corte, R Cozot, J Royan, G Breton
Proceedings of the 17th acm symposium on virtual reality software and …, 2010
Using a visual attention model to improve gaze tracking systems in interactive 3d applications
S Hillaire, G Breton, N Ouarti, R Cozot, A Lécuyer
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (6), 1830-1841, 2010
Transformation of the multivariate generalized Gaussian distribution for image editing
H Hristova, O Le Meur, R Cozot, K Bouatouch
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (10), 2813-2826, 2017
Style Aware Tone Expansion for HDR Displays.
C Bist, R Cozot, G Madec, X Ducloux
Graphics interface, 57-63, 2016
General animation and simulation platform
S Donikian, R Cozot
Computer Animation and Simulation’95: Proceedings of the Eurographics …, 1995
Image selection in photo albums
D Kuzovkin, T Pouli, R Cozot, O Le Meur, J Kervec, K Bouatouch
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2018
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