Arno Bringer
Arno Bringer
Junior Researcher Environmental Health - QUALYSE
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High density polyethylene (HDPE) microplastics impair development and swimming activity of Pacific oyster D-larvae, Crassostrea gigas, depending on particle size
A Bringer, H Thomas, G Prunier, E Dubillot, N Bossut, C Churlaud, ...
Environmental pollution 260, 113978, 2020
Experimental ingestion of fluorescent microplastics by pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, and their effects on the behaviour and development at early stages
A Bringer, J Cachot, G Prunier, E Dubillot, C Clérandeau, H Thomas
Chemosphere 254, 126793, 2020
Intergenerational effects of environmentally-aged microplastics on the Crassostrea gigas
A Bringer, J Cachot, E Dubillot, G Prunier, V Huet, C Clérandeau, L Evin, ...
Environmental pollution 294, 118600, 2022
Evidence of deleterious effects of microplastics from aquaculture materials on pediveliger larva settlement and oyster spat growth of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
A Bringer, J Cachot, E Dubillot, B Lalot, H Thomas
Science of the Total Environment 794, 148708, 2021
Coastal ecosystem inventory with characterization and identification of plastic contamination and additives from aquaculture materials
A Bringer, S Le Floch, A Kerstan, H Thomas
Marine pollution bulletin 167, 112286, 2021
Subchronic exposure to high-density polyethylene microplastics alone or in combination with chlortoluron significantly affected valve activity and daily growth of the Pacific …
A Bringer, H Thomas, E Dubillot, S Le Floch, J Receveur, J Cachot, ...
Aquatic toxicology 237, 105880, 2021
Microplastics and sorbed contaminants–Trophic exposure in fish sensitive early life stages
X Cousin, A Batel, A Bringer, S Hess, ML Bégout, T Braunbeck
Marine Environmental Research 161, 105126, 2020
Toxicity and risk assessment of six widely used pesticides on embryo-larval development of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
A Bringer, H Thomas, G Prunier, E Dubillot, C Clérandeau, M Pageaud, ...
Science of the Total Environment 779, 146343, 2021
Artificial weathering of plastics used in oyster farming
M Hingant, S Mallarino, E Conforto, E Dubillot, P Barbier, A Bringer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 868, 161638, 2023
Governance and Public Policies of Coastal Water Quality in the Pertuis Charentais
A Mazeaud, F Bénitez, A Ridel, A Bringer, C Plumejeaud, P Brunello, ...
Marine Environmental Quality: Healthy Coastal Waters, 21-40, 2021
biolutoxR: An R-Shiny package for easy performing data analysis of a toxicity test based on bacterial bioluminescence inhibition
C Le Picard, J Cachot, C Clérandeau, A Bringer, B Bellier
SoftwareX 29, 102061, 2025
Groundbreaking study: Combined effect of marine heatwaves and polyethylene microplastics on Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas
L Parizadeh, C Saint-Picq, P Barbier, A Bringer, V Huet, E Dubillot, ...
Environmental Pollution 364, 125164, 2025
Projet PLASTyre-Détection & effets des microparticules pneumatiques dans les environnements aquatiques
C Le Picard, J Cachot, A Bringer, T De Oliveira, J Gasperi, Y Héchard, ...
Journées du GDR Polymères, Santé, Environnement, 2024
Detection & Effects of Tyre Microparticles in Aquatic Environments
C Le Picard, J Cachot, A Bringer, T De Oliveira, J Gasperi, Y Héchard, ...
SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, 2024
Possible Interactions Between Environmental Microplastics, Copepods (Tigriopus brevicornis) and Oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in the Pertuis Charentais Sea
A Bringer, E Dubillot, G Prunier, H Thomas
Marine Environmental Quality: Healthy Coastal Waters, 145-156, 2021
Environment & Shellfish farming: effects study of microplastics and pesticides on Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in Pertuis Charentais area
A Bringer
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: TEL …, 2021
Environnement & Conchyliculture: étude des effets des microplastiques et pesticides chez l’huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas, des Pertuis Charentais
A Bringer
Université de La Rochelle, 2021
Bioavailability of benzo [a] pyrene transferred via microplastics to early life-stages of fish through experimental trophic food chains
A Batel, A Bringer, S Hess, L Joassard, ML Bégout, T Braunbeck, ...
MICRO 2018. Fate and Impact of Microplastics: Knowledge, Actions and …, 2018
Realistic ecological study of multiple stressors (marine heatwaves & polyethylene-type microplastics) on the health status of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas
L Parizadeh, C Saint-Picq, P Barbier, A Bringer, V Huet, E Dubillot, ...
The Health Status of the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea Gigas, is Modulated by Realistic Combined Environmental Exposure to Microplastics and Temperatures
L Parizadeh, C Saint-Picq, P Barbier, A Bringer, V Huet, E Dubillot, ...
Crassostrea Gigas, is Modulated by Realistic Combined Environmental Exposure …, 0
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