Nilanjan Dey
Nilanjan Dey
Asso. Professor, Techno International New Town
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Deep transfer learning-based automated detection of COVID-19 from lung CT scan slices
S Ahuja, BK Panigrahi, N Dey, V Rajinikanth, TK Gandhi
Applied Intelligence 51, 571-585, 2021
Particle swarm optimization trained neural network for structural failure prediction of multistoried RC buildings
S Chatterjee, S Sarkar, S Hore, N Dey, AS Ashour, VE Balas
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 2005-2016, 2017
Forecasting Models for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A Survey of the State-of-the-Art
GR Shinde, AB Kalamkar, PN Mahalle, N Dey, J Chaki, AE Hassanien
SN Computer Science 1 (4), 1-15, 2020
Developing residential wireless sensor networks for ECG healthcare monitoring
N Dey, AS Ashour, F Shi, SJ Fong, RS Sherratt
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 63 (4), 442-449, 2017
Internet of things and big data analytics toward next-generation intelligence
N Dey, AE Hassanien, C Bhatt, A Ashour, SC Satapathy
Springer, 2018
A survey of data mining and deep learning in bioinformatics
K Lan, D Wang, S Fong, L Liu, KKL Wong, N Dey
Journal of medical systems 42, 1-20, 2018
Finding an accurate early forecasting model from small dataset: A case of 2019-ncov novel coronavirus outbreak
SJ Fong, G Li, N Dey, RG Crespo, E Herrera-Viedma
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10776, 2020
Internet of things and big data technologies for next generation healthcare
C Bhatt, N Dey, AS Ashour
Springer International Publishing 10, 978-3, 2017
Medical cyber-physical systems: A survey
N Dey, AS Ashour, F Shi, SJ Fong, JMRS Tavares
Journal of medical systems 42, 1-13, 2018
Multi-level image thresholding using Otsu and chaotic bat algorithm
SC Satapathy, N Sri Madhava Raja, V Rajinikanth, AS Ashour, N Dey
Neural Computing and Applications 29, 1285-1307, 2018
Artificial Intelligence for Coronavirus Outbreak, by Simon James Fong, Nilanjan Dey, and Jyotismita Chaki, 1–22. SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
FS James
Springer Singapore, 0
Composite Monte Carlo decision making under high uncertainty of novel coronavirus epidemic using hybridized deep learning and fuzzy rule induction
SJ Fong, G Li, N Dey, RG Crespo, E Herrera-Viedma
Applied soft computing 93, 106282, 2020
Design of a proportional-integral-derivative controller for an automatic generation control of multi-area power thermal systems using firefly algorithm
K Jagatheesan, B Anand, S Samanta, N Dey, AS Ashour, VE Balas
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 6 (2), 503-515, 2017
Customized VGG19 Architecture for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Rays
N Dey, YD Zhang, V Rajinikanth, R Pugalenthi, NSM Raja
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2021
Adaptive thresholding: a comparative study
P Roy, S Dutta, N Dey, G Dey, S Chakraborty, R Ray
2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and …, 2014
A survey of image classification methods and techniques
SS Nath, G Mishra, J Kar, S Chakraborty, N Dey
2014 International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and …, 2014
Otsu based optimal multilevel image thresholding using firefly algorithm
N Sri Madhava Raja, V Rajinikanth, K Latha
Modelling and simulation in engineering 2014 (1), 794574, 2014
Internet of Things Based Wireless Body Area Network in Healthcare
G Elhayatmy, N Dey, AS Ashour
Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics Toward Next-Generation …, 2018
Improved cuckoo search and chaotic flower pollination optimization algorithm for maximizing area coverage in wireless sensor networks
HTT Binh, NT Hanh, L Van Quan, N Dey
Neural computing and applications 30 (7), 2305-2317, 2018
Social Group Optimization Supported Segmentation and Evaluation of Skin Melanoma Images
N Dey, V Rajinikanth, AS Ashour, JMRS Tavares
Symmetry 10 (2), 51, 2018
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