Ezatollah Farshadfar
Ezatollah Farshadfar
Professor of Plant Genetics and Breeding, Razi Univesity
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Incorporation of AMMI stability value and grain yield in a single non-parametric index (GSI) in bread wheat
E Farshadfar
Pakistan Journal of biological sciences 11 (14), 1791, 2008
AMMI stability value and simultaneous estimation of yield and yield stability in bread wheat ('Triticum aestivum'L.)
N Mahmodi, A Yaghotipoor, E Farshadfar
Australian Journal of Crop Science 5 (13), 1837-1844, 2011
Multivariate analysis of drought tolerance in wheat substitution lines
E Farshadfar, J Sutka
Cereal Research Communications 31, 33-40, 2003
Evaluation of some physiological traits as indicators of drought tolerance in bread wheat genotypes
M Geravandi, E Farshadfar, D Kahrizi
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 58, 69-75, 2011
Screening drought tolerance criteria in maize
E Farshadfar, J Sutka
Acta Agronomica Hungarica 50 (4), 411-416, 2002
GGE biplot analysis of genotype x environment interaction in wheat-barley disomic addition lines
E Farshadfar, R Mohammadi, M Aghaee, Z Vaisi
Australian Journal of Crop Science 6 (6), 1074-1079, 2012
Evaluation of genotype× environment interaction in chickpea using measures of stability from AMMI model
H Zali, E Farshadfar, SH Sabaghpour, R Karimizadeh
Annals of Biological Research 3 (7), 3126-3136, 2012
Genetic variability and path analysis of chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.) landraces and lines.
M Farshadfar, E Farshadfar
Screening quantitative indicators of drought tolerance in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces
E Farshadfar, P Elyasi
European Journal of Experimental Biology 2 (3), 577-584, 2012
Selection for drought resistance in chickpea lines.
E Farshadfar, M Zamani, M Motallebi, A Imamjomeh
Generation mean analysis of drought tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
E Farshadfar, - Ghanadha, J Sutka, M Zahravi
Acta Agronomica Hungarica 49 (1), 59-66, 2001
GGE Biplot analysis of genotype× environment interaction in chickpea genotypes
E Farshadfar, M Rashidi, MM Jowkar, H Zali
European Journal of Experimental Biology 3 (1), 417-423, 2013
Evaluation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes for drought tolerance.
E Farshadfar, J Javadinia
Assessment of drought tolerance in land races of bread wheat based on resistance/tolerance indices.
E Farshadfar, MM Poursiahbidi, SM Safavi
Comparison of parametric and non-parametric stability statistics for selecting stable chickpea ('Cicer arietinum'L.) genotypes under diverse environments
E Farshadfar, SH Sabaghpour, H Zali
Australian Journal of Crop Science 6 (3), 514-524, 2012
Biplot analysis of genotype-environment interaction in durum wheat using the AMMI model
E Farshadfar, J Sutka
Acta Agronomica Hungarica 54 (4), 459-467, 2006
Correlation and path coefficient analysis for some yield-related traits in rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.).
K Agahi, MH Fotokian, E Farshadfar
Evaluation of genetic diversity in wheat cultivars and breeding lines using inter simple sequence repeat markers
A Najaphy, RA Parchin, E Farshadfar
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 25 (4), 2634-2638, 2011
Locating QTLs controlling adaptation in wheat using AMMI model
E Farshadfar, J Sutka
Cereal Research Communications 31, 249-256, 2003
Combining ability analysis of drought tolerance in wheat over different water regimes
E Farshadfar, M Farshadfar, J Sutka
Acta Agronomica Hungarica 48 (4), 353-361, 2001
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