Entrainment and detrainment in cumulus convection: An overview WC De Rooy, P Bechtold, K Fröhlich, C Hohenegger, H Jonker, ... Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 139 (670), 1-19, 2013 | 389 | 2013 |
Implementation of the lake parameterisation saheme FLake into the numerical weather prediction model COSMO. D Mironov, E Heise, E Kourzeneva, B Ritter, N Schneider, A Terzhevik Boreal environment research 15 (2), 2010 | 379 | 2010 |
An improved lake model for climate simulations: Model structure, evaluation, and sensitivity analyses in CESM1 ZM Subin, WJ Riley, D Mironov Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 4 (1), 2012 | 313 | 2012 |
Parameterization of lakes in numerical weather prediction. Description of a lake model UG Spacio, A e Meteorologia, G Wodnej, AR per la Protezione, ... COSMO techntical report, 2008 | 290 | 2008 |
The impact of lakes on the European climate as simulated by a regional climate model P Samuelsson, E Kourzeneva, D Mironov Boreal environment research 15 (2), 113, 2010 | 199 | 2010 |
A multi-limit formulation for the equilibrium depth of a stably stratified boundary layer S Zilitinkevich, DV Mironov Boundary-Layer Meteorology 81, 325-351, 1996 | 178 | 1996 |
Convective entrainment into a shear-free, linearly stratified atmosphere: Bulk models reevaluated through large eddy simulations E Fedorovich, R Conzemius, D Mironov Journal of the atmospheric sciences 61 (3), 281-295, 2004 | 165 | 2004 |
Area-averaged surface fluxes over the LITFASS region based on eddy-covariance measurements F Beyrich, JP Leps, M Mauder, J Bange, T Foken, S Huneke, H Lohse, ... Boundary-layer meteorology 121, 33-65, 2006 | 159 | 2006 |
Radiatively driven convection in ice‐covered lakes: Observations, scaling, and a mixed layer model D Mironov, A Terzhevik, G Kirillin, T Jonas, J Malm, D Farmer Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 107 (C4), 7-1-7-16, 2002 | 154 | 2002 |
LakeMIP Kivu: evaluating the representation of a large, deep tropical lake by a set of one-dimensional lake models WIM Thiery, VM Stepanenko, X Fang, KD Jöhnk, Z Li, A Martynov, ... Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 66 (1), 21390, 2014 | 147 | 2014 |
Tropical and subtropical cloud transitions in weather and climate prediction models: The GCSS/WGNE Pacific Cross-Section Intercomparison (GPCI) J Teixeira, S Cardoso, M Bonazzola, J Cole, A DelGenio, C DeMott, ... Journal of Climate 24 (20), 5223-5256, 2011 | 146 | 2011 |
SURFEX scientific documentation P Le Moigne, A Boone, JC Calvet, B Decharme, S Faroux, AL Gibelin, ... Note de centre (CNRM/GMME), Météo-France, Toulouse, France 268, 51, 2009 | 146 | 2009 |
An offline study of the impact of lakes on the performance of the ECMWF surface scheme E Dutra, VM Stepanenko, G Balsamo, P Viterbo, PMA Miranda, D Mironov, ... Boreal environment research 15 (2), 100, 2010 | 141 | 2010 |
Third-order transport and nonlocal turbulence closures for convective boundary layers S Zilitinkevich, VM Gryanik, VN Lykossov, DV Mironov Journal of the atmospheric sciences 56 (19), 3463-3477, 1999 | 140 | 1999 |
First steps of a lake model intercomparison project: LakeMIP VM Stepanenko, S Goyette, A Martynov, M Perroud, X Fang, D Mironov Boreal environment research 15 (2), 191, 2010 | 128 | 2010 |
A one-dimensional model intercomparison study of thermal regime of a shallow, turbid midlatitude lake VM Stepanenko, A Martynov, KD Jöhnk, ZM Subin, M Perroud, X Fang, ... Geoscientific Model Development 6 (4), 1337-1352, 2013 | 118 | 2013 |
Turbulent winds and temperature fronts in large-eddy simulations of the stable atmospheric boundary layer PP Sullivan, JC Weil, EG Patton, HJJ Jonker, DV Mironov Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 73 (4), 1815-1840, 2016 | 115 | 2016 |
Simulation of surface energy fluxes and stratification of a small boreal lake by a set of one-dimensional models V Stepanenko, KD Jöhnk, E Machulskaya, M Perroud, Z Subin, A Nordbo, ... Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 66 (1), 21389, 2014 | 107 | 2014 |
FLake-Global: Online lake model with worldwide coverage G Kirillin, J Hochschild, D Mironov, A Terzhevik, S Golosov, G Nützmann Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (5), 683-684, 2011 | 97 | 2011 |
Radiatively driven convection in an ice‐covered lake investigated by using temperature microstructure technique T Jonas, AY Terzhevik, DV Mironov, A Wüest Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 108 (C6), 2003 | 93 | 2003 |