Trond Larsen
Trond Larsen
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Ecological functions and ecosystem services provided by Scarabaeinae dung beetles
E Nichols, S Spector, J Louzada, T Larsen, S Amezquita, ME Favila, ...
Biological conservation 141 (6), 1461-1474, 2008
Extinction order and altered community structure rapidly disrupt ecosystem functioning
TH Larsen, NM Williams, C Kremen
Ecology letters 8 (5), 538-547, 2005
Reliable, verifiable and efficient monitoring of biodiversity via metabarcoding
Y Ji, L Ashton, SM Pedley, DP Edwards, Y Tang, A Nakamura, R Kitching, ...
Ecology letters 16 (10), 1245-1257, 2013
Global dung beetle response to tropical forest modification and fragmentation: a quantitative literature review and meta-analysis
E Nichols, T Larsen, S Spector, AL Davis, F Escobar, M Favila, K Vulinec, ...
Biological conservation 137 (1), 1-19, 2007
Degraded lands worth protecting: the biological importance of Southeast Asia's repeatedly logged forests
DP Edwards, TH Larsen, TDS Docherty, FA Ansell, WW Hsu, MA Derhé, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1702), 82-90, 2011
Trap Spacing and Transect Design for Dung Beetle Biodiversity Studies1
TH Larsen, A Forsyth
Biotropica: The Journal of Biology and Conservation 37 (2), 322-325, 2005
The Scarabaeinae Research Network. 2008. Ecological functions and ecosystem services provided by Scarabaeinae dung beetles
E Nichols, S Spector, J Louzada, T Larsen, S Amezquita, ME Favila
Biological Conservation 141 (6), 1461-1474, 2008
Land‐sharing versus land‐sparing logging: reconciling timber extraction with biodiversity conservation
DP Edwards, JJ Gilroy, P Woodcock, FA Edwards, TH Larsen, ...
Global change biology 20 (1), 183-191, 2014
Does logging and forest conversion to oil palm agriculture alter functional diversity in a biodiversity hotspot?
FA Edwards, DP Edwards, TH Larsen, WW Hsu, S Benedick, A Chung, ...
Animal conservation 17 (2), 163-173, 2014
Extreme trophic and habitat specialization by Peruvian dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)
TH Larsen, A Lopera, A Forsyth
The Coleopterists Bulletin 60 (4), 315-324, 2006
Understanding trait‐dependent community disassembly: dung beetles, density functions, and forest fragmentation
TH Larsen, A Lopera, A Forsyth
Conservation Biology 22 (5), 1288-1298, 2008
The Scarabaeinae Research Network. 2007. Global dung beetle response to tropical forest modification and fragmentation: A quantitative literature review and meta-analysis
E Nichols, T Larsen, S Spector, AL Davis, F Escobar, M Favila, K Vulinec
Biological conservation 137 (1), 1-19, 2007
Trait‐dependent response of dung beetle populations to tropical forest conversion at local and regional scales
E Nichols, M Uriarte, DE Bunker, ME Favila, EM Slade, K Vulinec, ...
Ecology 94 (1), 180-189, 2013
Selective‐logging and oil palm: Multitaxon impacts, biodiversity indicators, and trade‐offs for conservation planning
DP Edwards, A Magrach, P Woodcock, Y Ji, NTL Lim, FA Edwards, ...
Ecological Applications 24 (8), 2029-2049, 2014
Upslope range shifts of Andean dung beetles in response to deforestation: compounding and confounding effects of microclimatic change
TH Larsen
Biotropica 44 (1), 82-89, 2012
Cost‐effective conservation: Calculating biodiversity and logging trade‐offs in Southeast Asia
B Fisher, DP Edwards, TH Larsen, FA Ansell, WW Hsu, CS Roberts, ...
Conservation Letters 4 (6), 443-450, 2011
From coprophagy to predation: a dung beetle that kills millipedes
TH Larsen, A Lopera, A Forsyth, F Génier
Biology Letters 5 (2), 152-155, 2009
Reduced‐impact logging and biodiversity conservation: a case study from Borneo
DP Edwards, P Woodcock, FA Edwards, TH Larsen, WW Hsu, S Benedick, ...
Ecological Applications 22 (2), 561-571, 2012
Range shifts and extinctions driven by climate change in the tropical Andes: synthesis and directions
TH Larsen, G Brehm, H Navarrete, P Franco, H Gomez, JL Mena, ...
Climate change and biodiversity in the tropical Andes 1, 47-67, 2011
Core standardized methods for rapid biological field assessment
TH Larsen
Arlington, Virginia, United States Conservation International, 2016
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