Mahesh Rao
Mahesh Rao
Scientist, ICAR-National Institute for Plant Biotechnology, Delhi, INDIA
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Nano-enabled products: challenges and opportunities for sustainable agriculture
VD Rajput, A Singh, T Minkina, S Rawat, S Mandzhieva, S Sushkova, ...
Plants 10 (12), 2727, 2021
Strategies for utilization of crop wild relatives in plant breeding programs
MR Anamika Kashyap, Pooja Garg, Kunal Tanwar, Jyoti Sharma, Navin C. Gupta ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1-17, 2022
Genetic diversity studies based on morphological variability, pathogenicity and molecular phylogeny of the Sclerotinia sclerotiorum population from Indian mustard (Brassica juncea)
P Sharma, A Samkumar, M Rao, VV Singh, L Prasad, DC Mishra, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 1169, 2018
Heterosis in relation to combining ability in Quality protein maize (Zea mays L.)
PK Singh, N Singh, AK Singh, JP Shahi, M Rao
Biolife 1 (2), 65-69, 2013
Grain quality and cooking properties of rice germplasm
AK Singh, PK Singh, R Nandan, M Rao
Annals of Plant and Soil Research 14 (1), 52-57, 2012
Indexing resilience to heat and drought stress in the wild relatives of rapeseed-mustard
A Kashyap, S Kumari, P Garg, R Kushwaha, S Tripathi, J Sharma, ...
Life 13 (3), 738, 2023
Evaluation of non-injury inoculation technique for assessing Sclerotinia stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) in oilseed Brassica
NC Gupta, P Sharma, M Rao, PK Rai, AK Gupta
Journal of Microbiological Methods 175, 105983, 2020
Deciphering the fertilizing and disease suppression potential of phytofabricated zinc oxide nanoparticles on Brassica juncea
S Dhiman, A Varma, M Rao, R Prasad, A Goel
Environmental Research 231, 116276, 2023
Identification and evaluation of Indian mustard genotypes for white rust resistance and agronomic performance
R Yadav, P Singh, PS Sandhu, U Pant, R Avtar, J Radhamani, SKM Rao, ...
Indian Journal of Genetics and plant breeding 78 (01), 81-89, 2018
Draft genome sequencing and secretome profiling of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum revealed effector repertoire diversity and allied broad-host range necrotrophy
NC Gupta, S Yadav, S Arora, DC Mishra, N Budhlakoti, K Gaikwad, M Rao, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 21855, 2022
Generation mean analysis for grain yield and its component traits in submergence rice.
M Rao, S Grithlahre, P Bisen, B Loitongbam, MH Dar, NW Zaidi, US Singh, ...
Genetics of marker assisted backcross progenies of the cross HUR 105 X Swarna-SUB1
M Rao, S Grithlahre, P Bisen, NK Singh, MH Dar, US Singh, PK Singh
International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 9 (4 …, 2016
Growth and antioxidant responses in iron-biofortified lentil under cadmium stress
R Bansal, S Priya, HK Dikshit, SR Jacob, M Rao, RS Bana, J Kumari, ...
Toxics 9 (8), 182, 2021
Evolution and Transcriptional Modulation of Lipoxygenase Genes Under Heat, Drought, and Combined Stress in Brassica rapa
AN Rai, T Mandliya, P Kulkarni, M Rao, P Suprasanna
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 39, 60-71, 2021
Conventional and molecular breeding for bacterial leaf blight and blast resistance in rice
S Kumar, M Rao
Res Rev J Ecol 3, 1-3, 2014
Combining ability analysis for yeild and yield contributing character in Indian mustard Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss
S B L Srivastava, Raj Shekhar, Mahak Singh, Mahesh Rao
Journal of Oilseeds research 26 (special issue), 58-60, 2009
Morpho-physiological and metabolites alteration in the susceptible and tolerant genotypes of sesame under waterlogging stress and post-waterlogging recovery
A Shah, N Gadol, G Priya, P Mishra, M Rao, NK Singh, R Kumar, S Kalia, ...
Plant Stress 11, 100361, 2024
Development and validation of donor-specific STS markers for tracking alien introgressions into Brassica juncea (L.) Czern
N Vasupalli, M Rao, R Chamola, U Pant, R Bhattacharya, SR Bhat
Molecular Breeding 37, 1-10, 2017
Molecular diversity analysis as an improvement tool for pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.)]
Y Manju, YY Kumar, K Pushpendra, SR Kumar, Y Renu, K Pawan, ...
Research Journal of Biotechnology 12 (9), 2017
Nephrogenic fibrosing dermatopathy, cardiac calcification and pulmonary hypertension in an adolescent on chronic hemodialysis
J Sharma, A Mongia, M Schoenaman, S Chang, A D'Angelo, M Rao
Indian Journal of Nephrology 18 (2), 70-73, 2008
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