Shu-Hung Leung
Shu-Hung Leung
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Fuzzy image clustering incorporating spatial continuity
AWC Liew, SH Leung, WH Lau
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 147 (2), 185-192, 2000
Gradient-based variable forgetting factor RLS algorithm in time-varying environments
SH Leung, CF So
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53 (8), 3141-3150, 2005
Segmentation of color lip images by spatial fuzzy clustering
AWC Liew, SH Leung, WH Lau
IEEE transactions on Fuzzy Systems 11 (4), 542-549, 2003
The genetic search approach. A new learning algorithm for adaptive IIR filtering
SC Ng, SH Leung, CY Chung, A Luk, WH Lau
IEEE signal processing magazine 13 (6), 38-46, 1996
Lip image segmentation using fuzzy clustering incorporating an elliptic shape function
SH Leung, SL Wang, WH Lau
IEEE transactions on image processing 13 (1), 51-62, 2004
Outcome of a postnatal depression screening programme using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale: a randomized controlled trial
SSL Leung, C Leung, TH Lam, SF Hung, R Chan, T Yeung, M Miao, ...
Journal of Public Health 33 (2), 292-301, 2011
Short term load forecasting using an adaptive neural network
TS Dillon, S Sestito, S Leung
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 13 (4), 186-192, 1991
On the statistics of fixed-point roundoff error
CW Barnes, B Tran, S Leung
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 33 (3), 595-606, 1985
Magnified gradient function with deterministic weight modification in adaptive learning
SC Ng, CC Cheung, SH Leung
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 15 (6), 1411-1423, 2004
Fingerprint recognition using neural network
WF Leung, SH Leung, WH Lau, A Luk
Neural Networks for Signal Processing Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE Workshop …, 1991
Lip contour extraction from color images using a deformable model
AWC Liew, SH Leung, WH Lau
Pattern Recognition 35 (12), 2949-2962, 2002
Robust lip region segmentation for lip images with complex background
SL Wang, WH Lau, AWC Liew, SH Leung
Pattern Recognition 40 (12), 3481-3491, 2007
Automatic lip contour extraction from color images
SL Wang, WH Lau, SH Leung
Pattern Recognition 37 (12), 2375-2387, 2004
A novel power minimization precoding scheme for MIMO-NOMA uplink systems
H Wang, R Zhang, R Song, SH Leung
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (5), 1106-1109, 2018
Gradient based variable forgetting factor RLS algorithm
CF So, SC Ng, SH Leung
Signal Processing 83 (6), 1163-1175, 2003
Application of residue number systems to complex digital filters
SH Leung
Proceedings of Fifteenth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and …, 1981
Fast convergence for backpropagation network with magnified gradient function
SC Ng, CC Cheung, SH Leung, A Luk
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2003 …, 2003
Lip contour extraction using a deformable model
AWC Liew, SH Leung, WH Lau
Proceedings 2000 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No …, 2000
A novel OFDM receiver with second order polynomial Nyquist window function
R Song, SH Leung
IEEE Communications Letters 9 (5), 391-393, 2005
Fast convergent generalized back-propagation algorithm with constant learning rate
SC Ng, SH Leung, A Luk
Neural processing letters 9, 13-23, 1999
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