Verena Zimmermann
Verena Zimmermann
Assistant Professor at ETH Zürich
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Moving from a ‘human-as-problem” to a ‘human-as-solution” cybersecurity mindset
V Zimmermann, K Renaud
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 131, 169-187, 2019
The password is dead, long live the password–A laboratory study on user perceptions of authentication schemes
V Zimmermann, N Gerber
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 133, 26-44, 2020
Ethical guidelines for nudging in information security & privacy
K Renaud, V Zimmermann
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 120, 22-35, 2018
The Nudge Puzzle: Matching Nudge Interventions to Cybersecurity Decisions
V Zimmermann, K Renaud
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 28 (1), 1-45, 2021
{SoK}: Still Plenty of Phish in the Sea—A Taxonomy of {User-Oriented} Phishing Interventions and Avenues for Future Research
A Franz, V Zimmermann, G Albrecht, K Hartwig, C Reuter, A Benlian, ...
Seventeenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2021), 339-358, 2021
‘Home, smart home’–exploring End users’ mental models of smart homes
V Zimmermann, M Bennighof, M Edel, O Hofmann, J Jung, M von Wick
Mensch und Computer 2018-Workshopband, 10.18420/muc2018-ws08-0539, 2018
Nudging folks towards stronger password choices: providing certainty is the key
K Renaud, V Zimmermann
Behavioural Public Policy 3 (2), 228-258, 2019
3D-Auth: Two-Factor Authentication with Personalized 3D-Printed Items
K Marky, M Schmitz, V Zimmermann, M Herbers, K Kunze, M Mühlhäuser
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
“If it wasn’t secure, they would not use it in the movies”–security perceptions and user acceptance of authentication technologies
V Zimmermann, N Gerber
Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust: 5th International …, 2017
Assessing Users’ Privacy and Security Concerns of Smart Home Technologies
V Zimmermann, P Gerber, K Marky, L Böck, F Kirchbuchner
i-com 18 (3), 197-216, 2019
Finally Johnny Can Encrypt: But Does This Make Him Feel More Secure?
N Gerber, V Zimmermann, B Henhapl, S Emeröz, M Volkamer
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability …, 2018
Exploring cybersecurity-related emotions and finding that they are challenging to measure
K Renaud, V Zimmermann, T Schürmann, C Böhm
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8 (1), 1-17, 2021
Why Johnny Fails to Protect his Privacy
N Gerber, V Zimmermann, M Volkamer
4th European Workshop on Usable Security (EuroUSEC 2019), 2019
Hybrid password meters for more secure passwords–a comprehensive study of password meters including nudges and password information
V Zimmermann, K Marky, K Renaud
Behaviour & Information Technology 42 (6), 700-743, 2023
Improving the Usability and UX of the Swiss Internet Voting Interface
K Marky, V Zimmermann, M Funk, J Daubert, K Bleck, M Mühlhäuser
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
All in One! User Perceptions on Centralized IoT Privacy Settings
K Marky, V Zimmermann, A Stöver, P Hoffmann, K Kunze, M Mühlhäuser
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2020
Lessons learned from evaluating eight password nudges in the wild
K Renaud, V Zimmermann, J Maguire, S Draper
The {LASER} Workshop: Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment …, 2017
Guidelines for ethical nudging in password authentication
K Renaud, V Zimmermann
SAIEE Africa Research Journal 109 (2), 102-118, 2018
Public perceptions of Frankfurt Airport's value-A survey approach
V Zimmermann, U Felscher-Suhr, J Vogt
Journal of Air Transport Management 67, 46-54, 2018
Learning from safety science: A way forward for studying cybersecurity incidents in organizations
N Ebert, T Schaltegger, B Ambuehl, L Schöni, V Zimmermann, M Knieps
Computers & Security 134, 103435, 2023
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