Daniel F. Doak
Daniel F. Doak
Univ. Colorado Boulder
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Quantitative conservation biology: theory and practice of population viability analysis
WF Morris, DF Doak
(No Title), 2002
The keystone-species concept in ecology and conservation
LS Mills, ME Soulé, DF Doak
BioScience 43 (4), 219-224, 1993
Killer whale predation on sea otters linking oceanic and nearshore ecosystems
JA Estes, MT Tinker, TM Williams, DF Doak
science 282 (5388), 473-476, 1998
The statistical inevitability of stability-diversity relationships in community ecology
DF Doak, D Bigger, EK Harding, MA Marvier, RE O'malley, D Thomson
The American Naturalist 151 (3), 264-276, 1998
Sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean: an ongoing legacy of industrial whaling?
AM Springer, JA Estes, GB Van Vliet, TM Williams, DF Doak, EM Danner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (21), 12223-12228, 2003
Filling key gaps in population and community ecology
AA Agrawal, DD Ackerly, F Adler, AE Arnold, C Cáceres, DF Doak, E Post, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5 (3), 145-152, 2007
Longevity can buffer plant and animal populations against changing climatic variability
WF Morris, CA Pfister, S Tuljapurkar, CV Haridas, CL Boggs, MS Boyce, ...
Ecology 89 (1), 19-25, 2008
Demographic compensation and tipping points in climate-induced range shifts
DF Doak, WF Morris
Nature 467 (7318), 959-962, 2010
The need for integrative approaches to understand and conserve migratory ungulates
DT Bolger, WD Newmark, TA Morrison, DF Doak
Ecology letters 11 (1), 63-77, 2008
Physical stress and diversity-productivity relationships: the role of positive interactions
CPH Mulder, DD Uliassi, DF Doak
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (12), 6704-6708, 2001
Modeling population viability for the desert tortoise in the western Mojave Desert
D Doak, P Kareiva, B Klepetka
Ecological applications 4 (3), 446-460, 1994
Where and when do species interactions set range limits?
AM Louthan, DF Doak, AL Angert
Trends in ecology & evolution 30 (12), 780-792, 2015
A useful role for theory in conservation
DF Doak, LS Mills
Ecology 75 (3), 615-626, 1994
Killer appetites: assessing the role of predators in ecological communities
TM Williams, JA Estes, DF Doak, AM Springer
Ecology 85 (12), 3373-3384, 2004
Life stage simulation analysis: estimating vital‐rate effects on population growth for conservation
MJ Wisdom, LS Mills, DF Doak
Ecology 81 (3), 628-641, 2000
What is the future of conservation?
DF Doak, VJ Bakker, BE Goldstein, B Hale
Trends in ecology & evolution 29 (2), 77-81, 2014
Understanding and predicting ecological dynamics: are major surprises inevitable
DF Doak, JA Estes, BS Halpern, U Jacob, DR Lindberg, J Lovvorn, ...
Ecology 89 (4), 952-961, 2008
Spatial scale mediates the influence of habitat fragmentation on dispersal success: implications for conservation
DF Doak, PC Marino, PM Kareiva
Theoretical population biology 41 (3), 315-336, 1992
Spatial pattern enhances ecosystem functioning in an African savanna
RM Pringle, DF Doak, AK Brody, R Jocqué, TM Palmer
PLoS biology 8 (5), e1000377, 2010
Reliability of conservation actions based on elasticity analysis of matrix models
LS Mills, DF Doak, MJ Wisdom
Conservation Biology 13 (4), 815-829, 1999
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