Real-time inference of complex mental states from facial expressions and head gestures R El Kaliouby, P Robinson Real-time vision for human-computer interaction, 181-200, 2005 | 509 | 2005 |
Real time facial expression recognition in video using support vector machines P Michel, R El Kaliouby Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Multimodal interfaces …, 2003 | 479 | 2003 |
AFFDEX SDK: a cross-platform real-time multi-face expression recognition toolkit D McDuff, A Mahmoud, M Mavadati, M Amr, J Turcot, R Kaliouby Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2016 | 400 | 2016 |
Affectiva-mit facial expression dataset (am-fed): Naturalistic and spontaneous facial expressions collected D McDuff, R Kaliouby, T Senechal, M Amr, J Cohn, R Picard Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013 | 329 | 2013 |
Method and system for real-time and offline analysis, inference, tagging of and responding to person (s) experiences R El Kaliouby, RW Picard, AN Mahmoud, Y Kashef, MAR Madsen, ... US Patent App. 12/765,555, 2011 | 283 | 2011 |
Affective computing and autism R Kaliouby, R Picard, S Baron‐Cohen Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1093 (1), 228-248, 2006 | 257 | 2006 |
AutoTutor detects and responds to learners affective and cognitive states S D’Mello, T Jackson, S Craig, B Morgan, P Chipman, H White, N Person, ... Workshop on emotional and cognitive issues at the international conference …, 2008 | 221 | 2008 |
Predicting ad liking and purchase intent: Large-scale analysis of facial responses to ads D McDuff, R El Kaliouby, JF Cohn, RW Picard IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 6 (3), 223-235, 2014 | 207 | 2014 |
Crowdsourcing facial responses to online videos D McDuff, R El Kaliouby, RW Picard IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 3 (4), 456-468, 2012 | 174 | 2012 |
Why, when, and how much to entertain consumers in advertisements? A web-based facial tracking field study T Teixeira, R Picard, R El Kaliouby Marketing Science 33 (6), 809-827, 2014 | 170 | 2014 |
Audio analysis learning using video data T Mishra, R El Kaliouby US Patent 10,204,625, 2019 | 163 | 2019 |
Facial expression recognition using support vector machines M Abdulrahman, A Eleyan 2015 23nd signal processing and communications applications conference (SIU …, 2015 | 135 | 2015 |
A large-scale analysis of sex differences in facial expressions D McDuff, E Kodra, R Kaliouby, M LaFrance PloS one 12 (4), e0173942, 2017 | 128 | 2017 |
Analysis of image content with associated manipulation of expression presentation R El Kaliouby, MA Fouad, A Mahmoud, S Mavadati, D McDuff US Patent App. 15/374,447, 2017 | 123 | 2017 |
Viewing student affect and learning through classroom observation and physical sensors T Dragon, I Arroyo, BP Woolf, W Burleson, R El Kaliouby, H Eydgahi Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 9th International Conference, ITS 2008 …, 2008 | 123 | 2008 |
Generalization of a vision-based computational model of mind-reading R El Kaliouby, P Robinson International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction …, 2005 | 112 | 2005 |
Technology for just-in-time in-situ learning of facial affect for persons diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder M Madsen, R El Kaliouby, M Goodwin, R Picard Proceedings of the 10th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2008 | 110 | 2008 |
Mental state analysis using heart rate collection based on video imagery Y Kashef, R El Kaliouby, AA Osman, N Haering, V Bhatkar US Patent 9,642,536, 2017 | 106 | 2017 |
Mind reading machines: Automated inference of cognitive mental states from video R El Kaliouby, P Robinson 2004 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat …, 2004 | 102 | 2004 |
Real-time inference of mental states from facial expressions and upper body gestures T Baltrušaitis, D McDuff, N Banda, M Mahmoud, R El Kaliouby, ... 2011 IEEE international conference on automatic face & gesture recognition …, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |