Masoud Ghodrati, PhD
Masoud Ghodrati, PhD
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Deep learning in spiking neural networks
A Tavanaei, M Ghodrati, SR Kheradpisheh, T Masquelier, A Maida
Neural networks 111, 47-63, 2019
Deep networks can resemble human feed-forward vision in invariant object recognition
SR Kheradpisheh, M Ghodrati, M Ganjtabesh, T Masquelier
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32672, 2016
Towards building a more complex view of the lateral geniculate nucleus: Recent advances in understanding its role
M Ghodrati, SM Khaligh-Razavi, SR Lehky
Progress in neurobiology 156, 214-255, 2017
The (un) suitability of modern liquid crystal displays (LCDs) for vision research
M Ghodrati, AP Morris, NSC Price
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 303, 2015
Feedforward object-vision models only tolerate small image variations compared to human
M Ghodrati, A Farzmahdi, K Rajaei, R Ebrahimpour, SM Khaligh-Razavi
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 8, 74, 2014
How can selection of biologically inspired features improve the performance of a robust object recognition model?
M Ghodrati, SM Khaligh-Razavi, R Ebrahimpour, K Rajaei, M Pooyan
PloS one 7 (2), e32357, 2012
Perceptual difficulty modulates the direction of information flow in familiar face recognition
H Karimi-Rouzbahani, F Ramezani, A Woolgar, A Rich, M Ghodrati
NeuroImage 233, 117896, 2021
A specialized face-processing model inspired by the organization of monkey face patches explains several face-specific phenomena observed in humans
A Farzmahdi, K Rajaei, M Ghodrati, R Ebrahimpour, SM Khaligh-Razavi
Scientific reports 6 (1), 25025, 2016
Predicting the human reaction time based on natural image statistics in a rapid categorization task
A Mirzaei, SM Khaligh-Razavi, M Ghodrati, S Zabbah, R Ebrahimpour
Vision research 81, 36-44, 2013
Humans and deep networks largely agree on which kinds of variation make object recognition harder
SR Kheradpisheh, M Ghodrati, M Ganjtabesh, T Masquelier
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 10, 92, 2016
A stable biologically motivated learning mechanism for visual feature extraction to handle facial categorization
K Rajaei, SM Khaligh-Razavi, M Ghodrati, R Ebrahimpour, MESA Abadi
Plos One 7 (6), e38478, 2012
Contrast and luminance adaptation alter neuronal coding and perception of stimulus orientation
M Ghodrati, E Zavitz, MGP Rosa, NSC Price
Nature communications 10 (1), 941, 2019
Object categorization in visual periphery is modulated by delayed foveal noise
F Ramezani, SR Kheradpisheh, SJ Thorpe, M Ghodrati
Journal of Vision 19 (9), 1-1, 2019
Neural coding of action in 3 dimensions: Task‐and time‐invariant reference frames for visuospatial and motor‐related activity in parietal area V6A
K Hadjidimitrakis*, M Ghodrati*, R Breveglieri, MGP Rosa, P Fattori
Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2020
Deep learning in spiking neural networks
SR Kheradpisheh, A Tavanaei, M Ghodrati, T Masquelier, A Maida
Neural Networks 111, 47--63, 2019
Orientation selectivity in rat primary visual cortex emerges earlier with low‐contrast and high‐luminance stimuli
M Ghodrati, DS Alwis, NSC Price
European Journal of Neuroscience 44 (10), 2759-2773, 2016
The importance of visual features in generic vs. specialized object recognition: a computational study
M Ghodrati, K Rajaei, R Ebrahimpour
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 8, 78, 2014
Anterior-posterior gradient in the integrated processing of forelimb movement direction and distance in macaque parietal cortex
K Hadjidimitrakis, M De Vitis, M Ghodrati, M Filippini, P Fattori
Cell reports 41 (6), 2022
Low-level contrast statistics of natural images can modulate the frequency of event-related potentials (ERP) in humans
M Ghodrati, M Ghodousi, A Yoonessi
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10, 630, 2016
A specialized face-processing network consistent with the representational geometry of monkey face patches
A Farzmahdi, K Rajaei, M Ghodrati, R Ebrahimpour, SM Khaligh-Razavi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.01241, 2015
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