Dr Upendra Kumar
Dr Upendra Kumar
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Silchar
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Sorption of cadmium from aqueous solution using pretreated rice husk
U Kumar, M Bandyopadhyay
Bioresource technology 97 (1), 104-109, 2006
Plastics and microplastics: A threat to environment
N Laskar, U Kumar
Environmental technology & innovation 14, 100352, 2019
Agricultural products and by-products as a low cost adsorbent for heavy metal removal from water and wastewater: A review
U Kumar
Sci. Res. Essay 1 (2), 33-37, 2006
Fixed bed column study for Cd (II) removal from wastewater using treated rice husk
U Kumar, M Bandyopadhyay
Journal of hazardous materials 129 (1-3), 253-259, 2006
Adsorption of brilliant green dye from aqueous solution onto chemically modified areca nut husk
KS Baidya, U Kumar
South African Journal of Chemical Engineering 35, 33-43, 2021
Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater by chemically modified agricultural waste material as potential adsorbent-a review
J Acharya, U Kumar, PM Rafi
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology 8 (3), 526-530, 2018
Physiological and biochemical effect of 24-epibrassinoslide on cold tolerance in maize seedlings
I Singh, U Kumar, SK Singh, C Gupta, M Singh, SR Kushwaha
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants 18, 229-236, 2012
Adsorption of crystal violet from wastewater by modified bambusa tulda
N Laskar, U Kumar
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 22, 2755-2763, 2018
Removal of Brilliant Green dye from water by modified Bambusa Tulda: adsorption isotherm, kinetics and thermodynamics study
N Laskar, U Kumar
International journal of environmental science and technology 16, 1649-1662, 2019
Augmented gravimetric and volumetric capacitive performance of rare earth metal oxide (Eu2O3) incorporated polypyrrole for supercapacitor applications
M Majumder, RB Choudhary, AK Thakur, U Kumar
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 804, 42-52, 2017
Effect of pretilachlor on soil enzyme activities in tropical rice soil
S Sahoo, T Adak, TB Bagchi, U Kumar, S Munda, S Saha, J Berliner, ...
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 98, 439-445, 2017
Structural and optical characterizations of BaSnO3 nanopowder synthesized by aqueous sol-gel method
U Kumar, J Ansaree, S Upadhyay
Processing and Application of Ceramics 11 (3), 177-184, 2017
Adsorption of malachite green in aqueous solution onto sodium carbonate treated rice husk
B Kumar, U Kumar
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 32, 1655-1666, 2015
Modeling satire in English text for automatic detection
AN Reganti, T Maheshwari, U Kumar, A Das, R Bajpai
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW …, 2016
Role of nitrification inhibitors on nitrous oxide emissions in a fertilized alluvial clay loam under different moisture regimes
U Kumar, MC Jain, S Kumar, H Pathak, D Majumdar
Current Science, 224-228, 2000
Finite element analysis of piston in ANSYS
L Singh, SS Rawat, T Hasan, U Kumar
International journal of modern trends in engineering and research 4, 619-626, 2015
Investigation of surface related leakage current in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
JK Kaushik, VR Balakrishnan, D Mongia, U Kumar, S Dayal, BS Panwar, ...
Thin Solid Films 612, 147-152, 2016
Application of analytic network process (ANP) in business environment: a comprehensive literature review
A Jayant, V Paul, U Kumar
International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering & Technology 4 …, 2014
Synthesis, spectral and antifungal studies of some coordination compounds of cobalt (II) and copper (II) of a novel 18-membered octaaza [N8] tetradentate macrocyclic ligand
U Kumar, S Chandra
Journal of Saudi Chemical Society 15 (2), 187-193, 2011
Removal of hazardous dye from aqueous media using low‐cost peanut (Arachis hypogaea) shells as adsorbents
A Herbert, U Kumar, P Janardhan
Water Environment Research 93 (7), 1032-1043, 2021
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