Theresa Garvin
Theresa Garvin
Professor, Human Geography, University of Alberta
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Modifying Photovoice for community-based participatory Indigenous research
H Castleden, T Garvin
Social science & medicine 66 (6), 1393-1405, 2008
Research Priorities for Neotropical Dry Forests1
GA Sánchez‐Azofeifa, M Quesada, JP Rodríguez, JM Nassar, KE Stoner, ...
Biotropica: The Journal of Biology and Conservation 37 (4), 477-485, 2005
Moving from information transfer to information exchange in health and health care
RG Lee, T Garvin
Social science & medicine 56 (3), 449-464, 2003
Community–company relations in gold mining in Ghana
T Garvin, TK McGee, KE Smoyer-Tomic, EA Aubynn
Journal of environmental management 90 (1), 571-586, 2009
Place, culture, and the social amplification of risk
JR Masuda, T Garvin
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 26 (2), 437-454, 2006
Deforestation and forest restoration in Guanacaste, Costa Rica: Putting conservation policies in context
J Calvo-Alvarado, B McLennan, A Sánchez-Azofeifa, T Garvin
Forest Ecology and Management 258 (6), 931-940, 2009
Analytical paradigms: the epistemological distances between scientists, policy makers, and the public
T Garvin
Risk Analysis 21 (3), 443-456, 2001
Whose heartland?: The politics of place in a rural–urban interface
JR Masuda, T Garvin
Journal of Rural Studies 24 (1), 112-123, 2008
Everyday wild: Urban natural areas, health, and well-being
AE Cheesbrough, T Garvin, CIJ Nykiforuk
Health & place 56, 43-52, 2019
“Hishuk Tsawak”(Everything Is One/Connected): A Huu-ay-aht Worldview for Seeing Forestry in British Columbia, Canada
H Castleden, T Garvin, Huu-ay-aht First Nation
Society and Natural Resources 22 (9), 789-804, 2009
Public health responses for skin cancer prevention: the policy framing of Sun Safety in Australia, Canada and England
T Garvin, J Eyles
Social Science & Medicine 53 (9), 1175-1189, 2001
The sun safety metanarrative: Translating science into public health discourse
T Garvin, J Eyles
Policy sciences 30 (2), 47-70, 1997
Artisanal and small-scale mining in Nigeria: Experiences from Niger, Nasarawa and Plateau states
IT Oramah, JP Richards, R Summers, T Garvin, T McGee
The Extractive Industries and Society 2 (4), 694-703, 2015
Can we get old here? Seniors' perceptions of seasonal constraints of neighbourhood built environments in a northern, winter city
T Garvin, CIJ Nykiforuk, S Johnson
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 94 (4), 369-389, 2012
Power, knowledge, and public engagement: constructing ‘citizenship’in Alberta's industrial heartland
JR Masuda, TK McGee, TD Garvin
Journal of environmental policy & planning 10 (4), 359-380, 2008
Huu-ay-aht First Nation.(2008)
H Castleden, T Garvin
Modifying photovoice for 21, 0
Intra-regional variation in land use and livelihood change during a forest transition in Costa Rica's dry North West
B McLennan, T Garvin
Land use policy 29 (1), 119-130, 2012
Trends in the study of Aboriginal health risks in Canada
CM Furgal, TD Garvin, CG Jardine
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 69 (4), 322-332, 2010
The use of storytelling for understanding women's desires to tan: Lessons from the field
T Garvin, K Wilson
The Professional Geographer 51 (2), 297-306, 1999
Manual of methods: Human, ecological and biophysical dimensions of tropical dry forests.
JM Nassar, JP Rodríguez, A Sánchez-Azofeifa, T Garvin, M Quesada
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