Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
Marcelo de Bello Cioffi
Departamento de Genética e Evolução / Universidade Federal de São Carlos
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Chromosome spreading of associated transposable elements and ribosomal DNA in the fish Erythrinus erythrinus. Implications for genome change and karyoevolution in fish
MB Cioffi, C Martins, LAC Bertollo
BMC evolutionary Biology 10, 1-9, 2010
Chromosomal distribution and evolution of repetitive DNAs in fish
MB Cioffi, LAC Bertollo
Repetitive DNA 7, 197-221, 2012
Direct chromosome preparation from freshwater teleost fishes
LAC Bertollo, MB Cioffi, O Moreira-Filho
Fish Cytogenetic Techniques (Chondrichthyans and Teleosts); Ozouf-Costaz, C …, 2015
Chromosomal variability among allopatric populations of Erythrinidae fish Hoplias malabaricus: mapping of three classes of repetitive DNAs
MB Cioffi, C Martins, L Centofante, U Jacobina, LAC Bertollo
Cytogenetic and Genome Research 125 (2), 132-141, 2009
Satellite DNA and chromosomes in Neotropical fishes: methods, applications and perspectives
MR Vicari, V Nogaroto, RB Noleto, MM Cestari, MB Cioffi, MC Almeida, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 76 (5), 1094-1116, 2010
Initial steps in XY chromosome differentiation in Hoplias malabaricus and the origin of an X1X2Y sex chromosome system in this fish group
MB Cioffi, LAC Bertollo
Heredity 105 (6), 554-561, 2010
The Bunocephalus coracoideus Species Complex (Siluriformes, Aspredinidae). Signs of a Speciation Process through Chromosomal, Genetic and Ecological …
M Ferreira, C Garcia, DA Matoso, IS de Jesus, MB Cioffi, LAC Bertollo, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 8, 120, 2017
Chromosomics: Bridging the gap between genomes and chromosomes
JE Deakin, S Potter, R O’neill, A Ruiz-Herrera, MB Cioffi, MDB Eldridge, ...
Genes 10 (8), 627, 2019
The chromosomal distribution of microsatellite repeats in the genome of the wolf fish Hoplias malabaricus, focusing on the sex chromosomes
MB Cioffi, E Kejnovsky, LAC Bertollo
Cytogenetic and Genome Research 132 (4), 289-296, 2011
Comparative chromosome mapping of repetitive sequences. Implications for genomic evolution in the fish, Hoplias malabaricus
MB Cioffi, C Martins, LAC Bertollo
BMC genetics 10, 1-11, 2009
Multiple sex chromosomes in teleost fishes from a cytogenetic perspective: state of the art and future challenges
A Sember, P Nguyen, MF Perez, M Altmanová, P Ráb, MB Cioffi
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1833), 20200098, 2021
Heteromorphic variants of chromosome 9
N Kosyakova, A Grigorian, T Liehr, M Manvelyan, I Simonyan, ...
Molecular cytogenetics 6, 1-11, 2013
Comparative chromosomal mapping of microsatellites in Leporinus species (Characiformes, Anostomidae): unequal accumulation on the W chromosomes
J Poltronieri, V Marquioni, LAC Bertollo, E Kejnovsky, WF Molina, T Liehr, ...
Cytogenetic and Genome Research 142 (1), 40-45, 2014
The key role of repeated DNAs in sex chromosome evolution in two fish species with ZW sex chromosome system
M de Bello Cioffi, E Kejnovský, V Marquioni, J Poltronieri, WF Molina, ...
Molecular cytogenetics 5, 1-7, 2012
Fish-FISH: Molecular cytogenetics in fish species
CF Yano, LAC Bertollo, MB Cioffi
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) application guide, 429-443, 2016
Extensive chromosomal homologies and evidence of karyotypic stasis in Atlantic grunts of the genus Haemulon (Perciformes)
CCM Neto, MB Cioffi, LAC Bertollo, WF Molina
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 401 (1-2), 75-79, 2011
Sex Chromosome Evolution and Genomic Divergence in the Fish Hoplias malabaricus (Characiformes, Erythrinidae)
A Sember, LAC Bertollo, P Ráb, CF Yano, T Hatanaka, EA De Oliveira, ...
Frontiers in genetics 9, 71, 2018
Chromosomal mapping of repetitive DNAs in Triportheus trifurcatus (Characidae, Characiformes): insights into the differentiation of the Z and W chromosomes
CF Yano, J Poltronieri, LAC Bertollo, RF Artoni, T Liehr, M de Bello Cioffi
PLoS One 9 (3), e90946, 2014
Repetitive DNAs and differentiation of sex chromosomes in neotropical fishes
MB Cioffi, JPM Camacho, LAC Bertollo
Cytogenetic and Genome Research 132 (3), 188-194, 2011
Highly conserved Z and molecularly diverged W chromosomes in the fish genus Triportheus (Characiformes, Triportheidae)
CF Yano, LAC Bertollo, T Ezaz, V Trifonov, A Sember, T Liehr, MB Cioffi
Heredity 118 (3), 276-283, 2017
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