Javid Bayandor
Javid Bayandor
Aerospace Professor, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
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Compression and post-buckling damage growth and collapse analysis of flat composite stiffened panels
AC Orifici, IO de Zarate Alberdi, RS Thomson, J Bayandor
Composites science and technology 68 (15-16), 3150-3160, 2008
Degradation investigation in a postbuckling composite stiffened fuselage panel
AC Orifici, RS Thomson, R Degenhardt, A Kling, K Rohwer, J Bayandor
Composite Structures 82 (2), 217-224, 2008
Damage assessment and monitoring of composite ship joints
I Herszberg, HCH Li, F Dharmawan, AP Mouritz, M Nguyen, J Bayandor
Composite structures 67 (2), 205-216, 2005
An analysis methodology for failure in postbuckling skin–stiffener interfaces
AC Orifici, RS Thomson, I Herszberg, T Weller, R Degenhardt, J Bayandor
Composite Structures 86 (1-3), 186-193, 2008
A finite element methodology for analysing degradation and collapse in postbuckling composite aerospace structures
AC Orifici, RS Thomson, R Degenhardt, C Bisagni, J Bayandor
Journal of composite materials 43 (26), 3239-3263, 2009
A review of explicit finite element software for composite impact analysis
MQ Nguyen, DJ Elder, J Bayandor, RS Thomson, ML Scott
Journal of Composite Materials 39 (4), 375-386, 2005
Development of a finite-element analysis methodology for the propagation of delaminations in composite structures
AC Orifici, RS Thomson, R Degenhardt, C Bisagni, J Bayandor
Mechanics of Composite Materials 43, 9-28, 2007
Investigation of UAS ingestion into high-bypass engines, Part 1: bird vs. drone
Y Song, B Horton, J Bayandor
58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2017
Investigation of UAS ingestion into high-bypass engines, Part 2: Parametric drone study
K Schroeder, Y Song, B Horton, J Bayandor
58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2017
Investigation of impact and damage tolerance in advanced aerospace composite structures
J Bayandor, RS Thomson, ML Scott, MQ Nguyen, DJ Elder
International journal of crashworthiness 8 (3), 297-306, 2003
Impact of caudal fin shape on thrust production of a Thunniform swimmer
A Matta, H Pendar, F Battaglia, J Bayandor
Journal of Bionic Engineering 17, 254-269, 2020
Multidisciplinary impact damage prognosis methodology for hybrid structural propulsion systems
A Siddens, J Bayandor
Computers & Structures 122, 178-191, 2013
Impact damage modelling of composite aerospace structures subject to bird-strike
J Bayandor, A Johnson, RS Thomson, M Joosten
25th International congress of the aeronautical sciences, 2006
Benchmark finite element simulations of postbuckling composite stiffened panels
A Orifici, R Thomson, AJ Gunnion, R Degenhardt, H Abramovich, ...
An extensive crashworthiness methodology for advanced propulsion systems, part I: soft impact damage assessment of composite fan stage assemblies
M Kim, A Zammit, A Siddens, J Bayandor
49th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting including the new horizons forum and …, 2011
An analysis tool for design and certification of postbuckling composite aerospace structures
AC Orifici, RS Thomson, R Degenhardt, C Bisagni, J Bayandor
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 10 (04), 669-681, 2010
Bird-strike damage tolerance analysis of composite turbofan engines
A Zammit, M Kim, J Bayandor
27th congress of the international council of the aeronautical sciences 4 …, 2010
Parametric optimisation of composite shell structures for an aircraft Krueger flap
J Bayandor, ML Scott, RS Thomson
Composite structures 57 (1-4), 415-423, 2002
A contribution to full-scale high fidelity aircraft progressive dynamic damage modelling for certification by analysis
Y Song, B Horton, S Perino, A Thurber, J Bayandor
International Journal of Crashworthiness 24 (3), 243-256, 2019
Crashworthiness assessment in aircraft ditching incidents
C Chandra, TY Wong, J Bayandor
27th congress of the international council of the aeronautical sciences …, 2010
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