Søren Serritzlew
Søren Serritzlew
Professor of Political Science, Aarhus University
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Jurisdiction size and local democracy: Evidence on internal political efficacy from large-scale municipal reform
DD Lassen, S Serritzlew
American Political Science Review 105 (2), 238-258, 2011
Jurisdiction size and local government policy expenditure: Assessing the effect of municipal amalgamation
J Blom-Hansen, K Houlberg, S Serritzlew, D Treisman
American political science review 110 (4), 812-831, 2016
Motivated reasoning and political parties: Evidence for increased processing in the face of party cues
MB Petersen, M Skov, S Serritzlew, T Ramsøy
Political Behavior 35, 831-854, 2013
Size, democracy, and the economic costs of running the political system
J Blom‐Hansen, K Houlberg, S Serritzlew
American Journal of Political Science 58 (4), 790-803, 2014
Interpreting performance information: Motivated reasoning or unbiased comprehension
M Baekgaard, S Serritzlew
Public Administration Review 76 (1), 73-82, 2016
Does public service motivation affect the behavior of professionals?
L Bøgh Andersen, S Serritzlew
International Journal of Public Administration 35 (1), 19-29, 2012
Ballot position and election results: Evidence from a natural experiment
J Blom-Hansen, J Elklit, S Serritzlew, LR Villadsen
Electoral Studies 44, 172-183, 2016
Experiments in public management research
J Blom-Hansen, R Morton, S Serritzlew
International Public Management Journal 18 (2), 151-170, 2015
The unintended effects of private school competition
SC Andersen, S Serritzlew
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 17 (2), 335-356, 2007
Theories of coalition formation: An empirical test using data from Danish local government
A Skjæveland, S Serritzlew, J Blom‐hansen
European Journal of Political Research 46 (5), 721-745, 2007
Breaking budgets: an empirical examination of Danish municipalities
S Serritzlew
Financial Accountability & Management 21 (4), 413-435, 2005
Do corruption and social trust affect economic growth? A review
S Serritzlew, KM Sønderskov, GT Svendsen
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 16 (2), 121-139, 2014
Conducting experiments in public management research: A practical guide
M Bækgaard, C Baethge, J Blom-Hansen, CA Dunlop, M Esteve, ...
International Public Management Journal 18 (2), 323-342, 2015
Local news media and voter turnout
M Baekgaard, C Jensen, PB Mortensen, S Serritzlew
Local Government Studies 40 (4), 518-532, 2014
When politics matters: The impact of politicians' and bureaucrats' preferences on salient and nonsalient policy areas
M Baekgaard, J Blom‐Hansen, S Serritzlew
Governance 28 (4), 459-474, 2015
Explaining oversized coalitions: Empirical evidence from local governments
S Serritzlew, A Skjæveland, J Blom-Hansen
The Journal of Legislative Studies 14 (4), 421-450, 2008
How bureaucrats shape political decisions: The role of policy information
J Blom‐Hansen, M Baekgaard, S Serritzlew
Public Administration 99 (4), 658-678, 2021
Linking Budgets to Activity: A Test of the Effect of Output‐Purchase Budgeting
S Serritzlew
Public Budgeting & Finance 26 (2), 101-120, 2006
Causes of fiscal illusion: lack of information or lack of attention?
M Baekgaard, S Serritzlew, J Blom‐Hansen
Public budgeting & finance 36 (2), 26-44, 2016
Tax limitations and revenue shifting strategies in local government
J Blom‐Hansen, M Bækgaard, S Serritzlew
Public Budgeting & Finance 34 (1), 64-84, 2014
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