shuo zhang
shuo zhang
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Robust depth estimation for light field via spinning parallelogram operator
S Zhang, H Sheng, C Li, J Zhang, Z Xiong
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 145, 148-159, 2016
Residual networks for light field image super-resolution
S Zhang, Y Lin, H Sheng
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
A taxonomy and evaluation of dense light field depth estimation algorithms
O Johannsen, K Honauer, B Goldluecke, A Alperovich, F Battisti, Y Bok, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2017
Occlusion-aware depth estimation for light field using multi-orientation EPIs
H Sheng, P Zhao, S Zhang, J Zhang, D Yang
Pattern Recognition 74, 587-599, 2018
End-to-end light field spatial super-resolution network using multiple epipolar geometry
S Zhang, S Chang, Y Lin
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 5956-5968, 2021
Attention-based multi-level fusion network for light field depth estimation
J Chen, S Zhang, Y Lin
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (2), 1009-1017, 2021
NTIRE 2023 challenge on light field image super-resolution: Dataset, methods and results
Y Wang, L Wang, Z Liang, J Yang, R Timofte, Y Guo, K Jin, Z Wei, A Yang, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Geometric occlusion analysis in depth estimation using integral guided filter for light-field image
H Sheng, S Zhang, X Cao, Y Fang, Z Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26 (12), 5758-5771, 2017
Occlusion-aware bi-directional guided network for light field salient object detection
D Jing, S Zhang, R Cong, Y Lin
Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 1692-1701, 2021
Micro-lens-based matching for scene recovery in lenslet cameras
S Zhang, H Sheng, D Yang, J Zhang, Z Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (3), 1060-1075, 2017
Relative location for light field saliency detection
H Sheng, S Zhang, X Liu, Z Xiong
2016 IEEE International conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2016
Micro-lens image stack upsampling for densely-sampled light field reconstruction
S Zhang, S Chang, Z Shen, Y Lin
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 7, 799-811, 2021
Light field reconstruction using efficient pseudo 4D epipolar-aware structure
Y Chen, S Zhang, S Chang, Y Lin
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 8, 397-410, 2022
Removing Foreground Occlusions in Light Field using Micro-lens Dynamic Filter.
S Zhang, Z Shen, Y Lin
IJCAI, 1302-1308, 2021
Enhanced spinning parallelogram operator combining color constraint and histogram integration for robust light field depth estimation
W Wang, Y Lin, S Zhang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 28, 1080-1084, 2021
Multi-stream progressive restoration for low-light light field enhancement and denoising
X Wang, Y Lin, S Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 9, 70-82, 2023
Lfnat 2023 challenge on light field depth estimation: Methods and results
H Sheng, Y Liu, J Yu, G Wu, W Xiong, R Cong, R Chen, L Guo, Y Xie, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Saliency analysis based on depth contrast increased
H Sheng, X Liu, S Zhang
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Saliency detection via background and foreground null space learning
YY Zhang, S Zhang, P Zhang, XG Zhang
Signal Processing: Image Communication 70, 271-281, 2019
Flexible hybrid lenses light field super-resolution using layered refinement
S Chang, Y Lin, S Zhang
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 5584-5592, 2022
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