Emmanuel Treiner
Emmanuel Treiner
Infinity - Inserm UMR1291
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Selection of evolutionarily conserved mucosal-associated invariant T cells by MR1
E Treiner, L Duban, S Bahram, M Radosavljevic, V Wanner, F Tilloy, ...
Nature 422 (6928), 164-169, 2003
Human MAIT cells are xenobiotic-resistant, tissue-targeted, CD161hi IL-17–secreting T cells
M Dusseaux, E Martin, N Serriari, I Péguillet, V Premel, D Louis, M Milder, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 117 (4), 1250-1259, 2011
A subset of natural killer cells achieves self-tolerance without expressing inhibitory receptors specific for self-MHC molecules
NC Fernandez, E Treiner, RE Vance, AM Jamieson, S Lemieux, ...
Blood 105 (11), 4416-4423, 2005
An invariant T cell receptor α chain defines a novel TAP-independent major histocompatibility complex class Ib–restricted α/β T cell subpopulation in mammals
F Tilloy, E Treiner, SH Park, C Garcia, F Lemonnier, H De La Salle, ...
The Journal of experimental medicine 189 (12), 1907-1921, 1999
Stepwise development of MAIT cells in mouse and human
E Martin, E Treiner, L Duban, L Guerri, H Laude, C Toly, V Premel, ...
PLoS biology 7 (3), e1000054, 2009
MAIT cells detect and efficiently lyse bacterially-infected epithelial cells
L Le Bourhis, M Dusseaux, A Bohineust, S Bessoles, E Martin, V Premel, ...
PLoS pathogens 9 (10), e1003681, 2013
Innate mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells are activated in inflammatory bowel diseases
NE Serriari, M Eoche, L Lamotte, J Lion, M Fumery, P Marcelo, ...
Clinical & Experimental Immunology 176 (2), 266-274, 2014
NK cell responsiveness is tuned commensurate with the number of inhibitory receptors for self-MHC class I: the rheostat model
NT Joncker, NC Fernandez, E Treiner, E Vivier, DH Raulet
The Journal of Immunology 182 (8), 4572-4580, 2009
CD1d-and MR1-restricted invariant T cells: of mice and men
E Treiner, O Lantz
Current opinion in immunology 18 (5), 519-526, 2006
Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells: an evolutionarily conserved T cell subset
E Treiner, L Duban, IC Moura, T Hansen, S Gilfillan, O Lantz
Microbes and infection 7 (3), 552-559, 2005
Increased tumor infiltration by mucosal-associated invariant T cells correlates with poor survival in colorectal cancer patients
L Zabijak, C Attencourt, C Guignant, D Chatelain, P Marcelo, ...
Cancer immunology, immunotherapy 64, 1601-1608, 2015
Treatment of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy with nivolumab
O Walter, E Treiner, F Bonneville, C Mengelle, F Vergez, F Lerebours, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 380 (17), 1674-1676, 2019
Mucosal-associated invariant T cells in chronic inflammatory liver disease
FJ Bolte, B Rehermann
Seminars in liver disease 38 (01), 060-065, 2018
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy treated by immune checkpoint inhibitors
X Boumaza, B Bonneau, D Roos‐Weil, C Pinnetti, S Rauer, L Nitsch, ...
Annals of neurology 93 (2), 257-270, 2023
Mucosal-associated invariant T cells in multiple sclerosis: the jury is still out
E Treiner, RS Liblau
Frontiers in immunology 6, 503, 2015
Mucosal-associated invariant T cells in inflammatory bowel diseases: bystanders, defenders, or offenders?
E Treiner
Frontiers in immunology 6, 27, 2015
Novel T cell interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) using spike recombinant protein for COVID19 vaccine response and Nucleocapsid for SARS-Cov2 response
Y Renaudineau, F Abravanel, J Izopet, C Bost, E Treiner, N Congy, ...
Clinical Immunology 237, 108979, 2022
MR1B, a natural spliced isoform of the MHC‐related 1 protein, is expressed as homodimers at the cell surface and activates MAIT cells
J Lion, V Debuysscher, A Wlodarczyk, A Hodroge, NE Serriari, L Choteau, ...
European journal of immunology 43 (5), 1363-1373, 2013
MAIT cells display a specific response to type 1 IFN underlying the adjuvant effect of TLR7/8 ligands
M Pavlovic, C Gross, C Chili, T Secher, E Treiner
Frontiers in Immunology 11, 2097, 2020
Early B cells repopulation in multiple sclerosis patients treated with rituximab is not predictive of a risk of relapse or clinical progression
G Dorcet, H Migné, D Biotti, C Bost, F Lerebours, J Ciron, E Treiner
Journal of Neurology 269 (10), 5443-5453, 2022
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