Yue Huang
Yue Huang
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Removing rain from single images via a deep detail network
X Fu, J Huang, D Zeng, Y Huang, X Ding, J Paisley
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
A weighted variational model for simultaneous reflectance and illumination estimation
X Fu, D Zeng, Y Huang, XP Zhang, X Ding
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016
PanNet: A deep network architecture for pan-sharpening
J Yang, X Fu, Y Hu, Y Huang, X Ding, J Paisley
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 5449-5457, 2017
A fusion-based enhancing method for weakly illuminated images
X Fu, D Zeng, Y Huang, Y Liao, X Ding, J Paisley
Signal Processing 129, 82-96, 2016
A retinex-based enhancing approach for single underwater image
X Fu, P Zhuang, Y Huang, Y Liao, XP Zhang, X Ding
2014 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 4572-4576, 2014
Progressive feature alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
C Chen, W Xie, W Huang, Y Rong, X Ding, Y Huang, T Xu, J Huang
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
A Probabilistic Method for Image Enhancement with Simultaneous Illumination and Reflectance Estimation
XD Xueyang Fu, Yinghao Liao, Delu Zeng, Yue Huang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (12), 4965-4977, 2015
Lightweight pyramid networks for image deraining
X Fu, B Liang, Y Huang, X Ding, J Paisley
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 31 (6), 1794-1807, 2019
Harmonizing transferability and discriminability for adapting object detectors
C Chen, Z Zheng, X Ding, Y Huang, Q Dou
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Two-step approach for single underwater image enhancement
X Fu, Z Fan, M Ling, Y Huang, X Ding
2017 international symposium on intelligent signal processing and …, 2017
A Variational Pan-Sharpening With Local Gradient Constraints
X Fu, Z Lin, Y Huang, X Ding
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2019
Learning a simple low-light image enhancer from paired low-light instances
Z Fu, Y Yang, X Tu, Y Huang, X Ding, KK Ma
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2023
Uncertainty inspired underwater image enhancement
Z Fu, W Wang, Y Huang, X Ding, KK Ma
European conference on computer vision, 465-482, 2022
Bayesian Nonparametric Dictionary Learning for Compressed Sensing MRI
Y Huang, J Paisley, Q Lin, X Ding, X Fu
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (12), 5007-5019, 2014
Vehicle logo recognition system based on convolutional neural networks with a pretraining strategy
Y Huang, R Wu, Y Sun, W Wang, X Ding
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16 (4), 1951-1960, 2015
An implantable RFID sensor tag toward continuous glucose monitoring
Z Xiao, X Tan, X Chen, S Chen, Z Zhang, H Zhang, J Wang, Y Huang, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (3), 910-919, 2015
Remote Sensing Image Enhancement using Regularized-Histogram Equalization and DCT
XD Xueyang Fu, Jiye Wang, Delu Zeng, Yue Huang
IEEE geosciences and remote sensing letters 12 (11), 2301-2305, 2015
An adversarial learning approach to medical image synthesis for lesion detection
L Sun, J Wang, Y Huang, X Ding, H Greenspan, J Paisley
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 24 (8), 2303-2314, 2020
Residual-guide network for single image deraining
Z Fan, H Wu, X Fu, Y Huang, X Ding
Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1751-1759, 2018
Deep multiscale detail networks for multiband spectral image sharpening
X Fu, W Wang, Y Huang, X Ding, J Paisley
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 32 (5), 2090-2104, 2020
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