Renato Caparroz
Renato Caparroz
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Current threats faced by Neotropical parrot populations
I Berkunsky, P Quillfeldt, DJ Brightsmith, MC Abbud, J Aguilar, ...
Biological Conservation 214, 278-287, 2017
Avian host composition, local speciation and dispersal drive the regional assembly of avian malaria parasites in South American birds
A Fecchio, JA Bell, RBP Pinheiro, VR Cueto, CA Gorosito, HL Lutz, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (10), 2681-2693, 2019
Contrasting phylogeographic patterns in mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites: evidence of female philopatry and male-biased gene flow among regional populations of the blue …
R Caparroz, CY Miyaki, AJ Baker
The Auk 126 (2), 359-370, 2009
Phylogeographic variation within the Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner (Aves: Furnariidae: Syndactyla rufosuperciliata) supports an Andean-Atlantic forests connection via the Cerrado
GS Cabanne, L Campagna, N Trujillo-Arias, K Naoki, I Gómez, CY Miyaki, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 133, 198-213, 2019
Resurrection of the genus Subulo for the gray brocket deer, with designation of a neotype
AM Bernegossi, CHS Borges, EDP Sandoval, JL Cartes, H Cernohorska, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 104 (3), 619-633, 2023
Analysis of the genetic variability in a sample of the remaining group of Spix's Macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii, Psittaciformes: Aves) by DNA fingerprinting
R Caparroz, CY Miyaki, MI Bampi, A Wajntal
Biological Conservation 99 (3), 307-311, 2001
Plano de ação nacional para a conservação dos papagaios da Mata Atlântica
F Schunck, M Somenzari, C Lugarini, ES Soares, AE Rupp, A Bodrati, ...
Characterization of microsatellite loci in the Blue‐and‐gold Macaw, Ara ararauna (Psittaciformes: Aves)
R Caparroz, CY Miyaki, AJ Baker
Molecular Ecology Notes 3 (3), 441-443, 2003
Sex identification of South American parrots (Psittacidae, Aves) using the human minisatellite probe 33.15
CY Miyaki, JMB Duarte, R Caparroz, ALV Nunes, A Wajntal
The Auk, 516-520, 1997
Analysis of the genetic variability and breeding behaviour of wild populations of two macaw species (Psittaciformes: Aves) by DNA fingerprinting
R Caparroz, NMR Guedes, CA Bianchi, A Wajntal
Ararajuba 9 (1), 43-49, 2001
Mitogenomes of two neotropical bird species and the multiple independent origin of mitochondrial gene orders in Passeriformes
R Caparroz, AV Rocha, GS Cabanne, P Tubaro, A Aleixo, EM Lemmon, ...
Molecular Biology Reports 45, 279-285, 2018
The role of demography and climatic events in shaping the phylogeography of Amazona aestiva (Psittaciformes, Aves) and definition of management units for …
R Caparroz, GHF Seixas, I Berkunsky, RG Collevatti
Diversity and distributions 15 (3), 459-468, 2009
Cytotaxonomic analysis of Brazilian species of the genus Amazona (Psittacidae, Aves) and confirmation of the genus Salvatoria (Ribeiro, 1920)
JMB Duarte, R Caparroz
Soc Brasil Genetica, 1995
DNA sequence analysis to guide the release of blue-and-yellow macaws (Ara ararauna, Psittaciformes, Aves) from the illegal trade back into the wild
GA Fernandes, R Caparroz
Molecular biology reports 40, 2757-2762, 2013
Late Pleistocene climatic changes promoted demographic expansion and population reconnection of a Neotropical savanna-adapted bird, Neothraupis fasciata (Aves: Thraupidae)
CA Lima-Rezende, AV Rocha, AFC Júnior, ÉS Martins, V Vasconcelos, ...
PLoS One 14 (3), e0212876, 2019
Pleistocene climatic oscillations associated with landscape heterogeneity of the South American dry diagonal explains the phylogeographic structure of the narrow‐billed …
AV Rocha, GS Cabanne, A Aleixo, LF Silveira, P Tubaro, R Caparroz
Journal of Avian Biology 51 (9), 2020
Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome and a set of polymorphic microsatellite markers through next-generation sequencing for the brown brocket deer Mazama …
R Caparroz, AMB Mantellatto, DJ Bertioli, MG Figueiredo, JMB Duarte
Genetics and Molecular Biology 38 (3), 338-345, 2015
Age, but not sex and seasonality, influence Haemosporida prevalence in White-banded Tanagers (Neothraupis fasciata) from central Brazil
A Fecchio, MR Lima, P Silveira, ACA Ribas, R Caparroz, MÂ Marini
Canadian Journal of Zoology 93 (1), 71-77, 2015
Population genetic structure of the blue-fronted Amazon (Amazona aestiva, Psittacidae: Aves) based on nuclear microsatellite loci: implications for conservation
KCE Leite, GHF Seixas, I Berkunsky, RG Collevatti, R Caparroz
Genet Mol Res 7, 819-829, 2008
Chromosomal similarity between the Scaly-headed parrot (Pionus maximiliani), the Short-tailed parrot (Graydidascalus brachyurus) and the Yellow-faced parrot (Salvatoria …
R Caparroz, JMB Duarte
Genetics and Molecular Biology 27, 522-528, 2004
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