Giulia Scarparo
Giulia Scarparo
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Detailed morphological descriptions of the immature stages of the ant parasite Microdon mutabilis (Diptera: Syrphidae: Microdontinae) and a discussion of its functional …
G Scarparo, P Cerretti, M Mei, A Di Giulio
European Journal of Entomology 114, 565-586, 2017
Chemical Deception and Structural Adaptation in Microdon (Diptera, Syrphidae, Microdontinae), a Genus of Hoverflies Parasitic on Social Insects
G Scarparo, P d’Ettorre, A Di Giulio
Journal of chemical ecology 45, 959-971, 2019
First screening of bacterial communities of Microdon myrmicae and its ant host: do microbes facilitate the invasion of ant colonies by social parasites?
G Scarparo, P Rugman-Jones, M Gebiola, A Di Giulio, QS McFrederick
Basic and Applied Ecology 50, 43-56, 2021
Social antagonism facilitates supergene expansion in ants
G Scarparo, M Palanchon, A Brelsford, J Purcell
Current Biology 33 (23), 5085-5095. e4, 2023
Foe to frenemy: predacious ant nest beetles use multiple strategies to fully integrate into ant nests
W Moore, G Scarparo, A Di Giulio
Current Opinion in Insect Science 52, 100921, 2022
Comparative morphology of myrmecophilous immature stages of European Microdon species (Diptera: Syrphidae): updated identification key and new diagnostic characters
G Scarparo, R Wolton, M Molfini, L Cao Pinna, A Di Giulio
Zootaxa 4789 (2), 348-370, 2020
Early queen joining and long‐term queen associations in polygyne colonies of an invasive wasp revealed by longitudinal genetic analysis
G Scarparo, M Sankovitz, KJ Loope, E Wilson‐Rankin, J Purcell
Evolutionary Applications 14 (12), 2901-2914, 2021
Social parasite distancing: RADseq reveals high inbreeding in the social parasite Microdon myrmicae but low philopatry for host ant nest
G Scarparo, P Rugman‐Jones, M Gebiola, A Di Giulio, J Purcell
Ecological Entomology 46 (1), 89-99, 2021
Broad host use and frequent polyandry in the facultative dulotic species Formica aserva (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
G Scarparo, M West, A Brelsford, J Purcell
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 117 (5), 257-269, 2024
Strange loves: a remarkable case of aberrant copulation in beetles (Coleoptera: Meloidae, Chrysomelidae)
A Di Giulio, S Gisondi, M Molfini, A Riccieri, G Scarparo, MA Bologna
Fragmenta entomologica 49 (2), 171-173, 2017
Does social antagonism facilitate supergene expansion? A novel region of suppressed recombination in a 4-haplotype supergene system
G Scarparo, M Palanchon, A Brelsford, J Purcell
bioRxiv, 2023.03. 29.534793, 2023
Integrative approach to the study of functional morphology and parasitic strategies of myrmecophilous hoverflies
Università degli studi Roma Tre, 2020
ntegrative approach to the study of functional morphology and parasitic strategies of myrmecophilous hoverflies= Approccio integrativo allo studio della morfologia funzionale e …
G Scarparo
Università degli Studi Roma Tre, 2019
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